10 Inspiring Fall Gender Reveal Concepts

Planning a baby shower or gender reveal party means choosing an exciting theme, inviting loved ones, choosing decor, and deciding how you’ll know if a girl or boy is on the way. . If your baby is due in the fall months, or you’re planning a get-together around that time, there are some sweet fall gender reveal ideas. This might include holding a mock election, making a bubby pink or blue witch’s brew, or diving into a pile of leaves. Whatever you choose, choose a reveal that creates anticipation and maybe even engages your visitors. Whether your upcoming little pumpkin is a boy or a girl, you’ll love these cute gender reveal ideas for a fall themed celebration.
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10. Revealing Thanksgiving Dinner
Gather family and friends for a Thanksgiving meal on or around the holiday. Before dinner, sit around the table and take turns saying what you are grateful for this year. Take time for a surprise gender reveal – “I’m thankful I had a girl.” Try to sit somewhere at the table making sure you are the last to say your thanks. Or hide pink or blue frosting inside a pumpkin-flavored dessert to share after your meal. You can tell your guests to expect a surprise during your gathering or catch loved ones off guard. This surprise announcement will delight your guests and give everyone an extra reason to celebrate.
9. What’s Your Vote?
Vote for a guy or a girl with this fun fall gender reveal idea. This works best if you make your announcement around election time in early November. During your gender reveal party or baby shower, set up a ballot box so guests can vote on whether they think you’re having a boy or a girl. Set up a campaign board that creates points for each side. This could include, “Mom-to-be is craving something sweet,” or “Mom has mild morning sickness,” so visitors can decide how to vote. Provide “I voted boy” or “I voted girl” stickers for voters to wear. This mock election is a fun way to get loved ones involved in your gender reveal. Have a trusted loved one announce the winner at the end of the party. Give out party favors or prizes for those who guess correctly.
8. Powder Pumpkin Gender Reveal
Who doesn’t love the fun of squashing a pumpkin? It’s even better when it results in finding out the gender of your baby. Ask a loved one to fill a pumpkin with blue or pink powder and place the pumpkin on a tree stump or sturdy platform. Then let the dad-to-be or an able-bodied family member swing an ax at the secretly held pumpkin. When hit, the powder will fly, revealing the gender of the baby. This cute fall gender reveal idea creates a sense of anticipation for your guests, adding to the excitement.
7. Pumpkin Carving Fall Gender Reveal Idea
Is there a skilled pumpkin carver in your family? Have them carve the words “this is a boy” or “this is a girl” into a pumpkin to use as your big display. Give your ultrasound results (no peeking) and let them go to work. Carving can take place during your shower or gender reveal party to help build hope. Or hide the finished pumpkin under a cloth that you’ll remove when you’re ready to find out your baby’s gender. Place a candle in the pumpkin for an evening event. It also makes a great photo to share the news on social media.
6. Scarecrow Family Gender Reveal
Line up scarecrows to represent each family member – prospective parents and any older brothers and sisters. Dress everyone up in a cute outfit so the guests can figure out which family member is the scarecrow. Then, add a little scarecrow to represent your coming baby. Dress it up in an adorable baby girl or boy outfit to announce your child’s gender. Use it as a cute photo to share with loved ones, or show your family a scarecrow during your baby shower or gender reveal party. Family and friends will love this fun and creative fall gender reveal idea. They might even want to pose for photos with your sweet display.
5. Cute Cornucopia
While pumpkins are generally considered the most popular fall decoration, cornucopias are also high on the list. For a creative fall gender reveal idea, head to your local craft store for a horn-shaped basket. Instead of filling it with lots of food, put pink or blue baby stuff instead. This can include blankets, bath towels, onesies, and stuffed animals. Then hide things by placing pumpkins, leaves, or other fall-inspired decorations in the opening of the cornucopia. When you announce your baby’s gender, raise the cornucopia to reveal the contents. It’s a fun reveal for your loved ones to witness, and you get to take home extra baby goodies too.
4. Gender Reveal Smoking Pumpkin
A thick cloud of smoke will show whether you will be the parent of a baby boy or girl. Hollow out and carve a happy face into a large pumpkin. At your gender reveal party, drop a blue or pink smoke bomb inside the pumpkin. As the smoke begins to clear, you will find out the gender of your baby. This is a fun revelation for a Halloween themed event as the smoke from the jack-o-lantern’s face gives off spooky vibes. Be sure to do this outside, as the colored smoke can stain clothing and anything else it touches.
3. Witch’s Brew Fall Gender Reveal Idea
Here’s another idea for a Halloween-themed baby shower or gender reveal party. Stop by your local craft store to decorate a large witch’s cauldron or pull out a pumpkin. To make your brew, combine vinegar and pink or blue food coloring to make your brew and pour it over the baking soda. As your concoction bubbles and evaporates, it will begin to pour into its container, letting you and your guests know the gender of your baby. This idea creates a lot of anticipation for your guests because the brew takes a minute to start bubbling over the pot or gourd, especially if you pour slowly. Like the pumpkin smoking idea, this is another one that should be done outside because it can get messy.
2. Fall Leaf Pile
Make this fun fall gender reveal idea a group activity that everyone will enjoy, especially if there are any kids in your family. Grab some leaves from your backyard and paint them blue or pink. Then hide them in a pile of leaves outside. You and your guests will begin digging and playing with the leaves until someone spots the first painted leaf that reveals whether your coming bundle of joy is a girl or a boy. Give a prize to the guest who finds the first painted leaf.
1. Pumpkin Spice Gender Reveal
A classic, and delicious, gender reveal idea is to slice into a delicious treat that you and your guests can share after the big reveal. Hire a local baker or DIY a pumpkin spice cake with cream cheese icing. Color the icing between the cake layers pink or blue that you won’t see until you cut the first piece. Other ideas include pumpkin spice cupcakes with a pink or blue frosting center and pumpkin cake with tinted cake. We also love a cake filled with pink or blue sprinkles or candies that come out when you cut the cake. If pumpkin spice isn’t your thing, red velvet, chocolate, molasses, caramel, and apple are great fall flavors. Gather your loved ones before you cut the cake, or count down to the first bite of a cake pop or cupcake so everyone can find out your baby’s gender together.