10 Reasons To Invest In A Birth Ball — Cloud Nine Birth Services | Birth Doula Services | Postpartum Doula Services
The Birth Ball is a versatile tool that can be used during pregnancy through the postpartum period. Its benefits are extensive and with a price tag of only $15-30 dollars, it’s well worth the investment!
1. The birth ball can be used in different ways and positions to help stretch all kinds of muscles but just sitting on it opens up the pelvic floor muscles and helps you gain flexibility in thigh and hip muscles.
2. The birth ball can be used for prenatal exercise, increasing overall stamina for your upcoming birth. Think squats, pelvic tilts, leg lifts, lunges, etc.
3. If you have a job that requires a lot of sitting, a birth ball or even a fancy ball chair is a healthy alternative to a regular chair. It relieves spinal pressure, improves posture and balance, and increases blood flow to the uterus and baby. Use it while eating, watching television, or doing various activities around your home.
4. For the end of pregnancy and the birth, just sitting on the birth ball can provide rest and relief to tiring ankles/feet/legs while still ensuring an upright position, allowing gravity to play a role in the development of childbirth. It also helps with optimal fetal positioning – keeping the baby in the perfect left occiput anterior (LOA) position for a smooth and comfortable labor and pushing phase.
5. In labor, the birth ball allows versatility in changing positions. You can sit on it and do hip circles in a hula-hoop motion, rock from side to side, gently bounce up and down, rest the ball on the bed or the wall to relax, use it to melt in the hands and knees or the position of child’s pose, the list is endless.
6. The birth ball can be used as a measure of comfort. The ball enlarges the pelvic outlet, provides counterpressure on the thighs and perineum and relieves the discomfort of contractions while making them more effective.
7. If the position of the baby causes back labor, making circles on the hips to the right and left, using the ball to do the pelvic rocks, and taking the position of the hands and knees resting on the ball with support person such as a doula who provides counterpressure and a The heat pack on the lower back can encourage the baby to turn while providing comfort and comfort to the pregnant woman.
8. Overall, evidence shows that using a birth ball in labor provides comfort, relieves pressure and pain, and makes contractions more effective resulting in shorter, more comfortable labor and birth with less demand for pain medications and medical interventions.
9. The birth ball can be used again in the postpartum period for stretching, exercise and relaxation for improved posture, balance, and stamina.
10. It is a great tool for calming a fussy baby and getting them to sleep. Just darken the room, put on some white noise and bounce up and down gently with your baby in your arms or a baby carrier. They will appreciate it more if it has been used in pregnancy and childbirth and the movement is familiar to them, mimicking the womb.
Most hospitals have birth balls ready to use, this is something you can ask and confirm is the case on your birth facility tour or simply ask your provider at a prenatal appointment. Even if your facility does, it’s not a guarantee that they’ll have the right size available for you when you need it. If you decide it’s worth the investment for your pregnancy, birth and postpartum period, use the following sizing chart and guidelines for proper sizing and use:
5′ 2” or shorter — 53cm ball
5′ 3” – 5′ 10” — 65cm ball *most common*
5′ 11” or taller — 75cm ball
· Sit on the ball with your feet flat on the ground, your knees should be bent at a 90 degree angle.
· Add or release air from the ball to match comfort level
· Be sure to use the ball safely in a stable environment and with a supporter nearby if necessary