20th annual Walk for Life West Coast to feature Live Action president Lila Rose

On January 20, 2024, the 20th Annual Walk for Life West Coast held. And this year, there are additional activities to be added on eventwhich is expected to be attended by 30,000 people.
A massive pro-life gathering will take place at 12:30 pm in front of the Civic Center Plaza in San Francisco where Live Action founder and president Lila Rose is scheduled to speak. Additional speakers include Kimberly Henkel (the founder and executive director of Springs of Love, a ministry to encourage, educate, and equip Catholics to recognize foster care and adoption), and Rev. Clenard Childress.
Also speaking is Kaya Jones — a singer, songwriter, and producer who is a member of the Pussycat Dolls. Jones will share her experiences with three miscarriages and her healing journey. Jones was forced to have an abortion at the age of 19 under the threat of losing her job. Jones was on stage performing when she started bleeding from her second miscarriage. That’s when he decided to change the direction of his life.
“The only way you get through it is to give it to God,” Jones said said.
READ: The March for Life presents the theme ahead of the January event
This year, for the 20th anniversary, the addition activities will include pro-life face painting for children, free books for children and adults while supplies last, and the Civic Center playground will be open for children to play.
The night before the event, a Walk for Life Prayer Vigil will be held at St. Dominic’s Church at 5:00 pm with an all-night Adoration for Life at Saints Peter and Paul Church from 8:00 pm to 7:00 am the following day. The Walk begins with Silent No More Awareness Campaign at 10:45 am, where Georgette Forney and Fr. Frank Pavone from Priest for Life will share testimonies. At 11:00 am, the Info Faire will begin featuring vendors demonstrating ways to help the pro-life cause. And then the speakers start at 12:30 pm, followed by the walk at 1:30 pm.
“While we are challenged and called to greater efforts by the post-Dobbs defeat of pro-life efforts across the country, at the same time we are greatly encouraged and rejoice in the fact that at least 32,000 lives have been saved ,” the Walk for Life states on its website. “As we think about the challenges ahead, and driven by the need to make abortion unthinkable, our primary orientation is, and always will be, toward joy: the joy of love, of life, and of hope. ”
On the other side of the US on January 19, the 51st Annual March for Life will be held in Washington, DC The rally will begin at noon on the National Mall and will be watched live on Facebookand YouTube. Featured guests will do include Benjamin Watson, Pastor Greg Laurie and Cathe Laurie, Jean Marie Davis, Bishop John, Aisha Taylor, Jim Daly, Jeanne Mancini, Danny Gokey, and Antonio de Mello.
The DOJ jailed a pro-life grandmother this Christmas for protesting the killing of preborn children. Please take 30 seconds to TELL CONGRESS: STOP DOJ FROM TARGETING PRO-LIFE AMERICANS.