2nd Unmedicated Hospital Birth and Positive Postpartum

Rachael’s first birth was a 9-hour unmedicated labor and delivery, but two months later she had two craniotomies to remove a subdural hematoma. Despite that terrifying postpartum experience, she was eager to have another baby, so on her daughter’s first birthday Rachael and Zane were excited to find out they were pregnant again. Again, Rachael had a very simple, easy (so soon) pregnancy. She was excited to give birth at the same hospital with an OB/midwife practice, but this time she wanted to use a doula for more experienced support. At 39+2, Rachael started having cramps and they quickly left for the hospital. When they arrived she was 6cm dilated, and they quickly set up the labor and delivery room with flashing lights and started playing hypno birthing tracks. After an intense labor, Willow was born at 10:18pm after just 7 hours. The first night in the hospital was rough but the rest of postpartum was very quiet and sweet.
Rachael DeGraffenried Bio
Rachael is 32 years old and lives in Western Colorado with her husband Zane and two daughters, Juniper (3) and Willow (1). Rachael stays at home with her crazy girls and Zane is a software engineer. She also teaches a fitness class for moms at the local rec center and line-dancing at a local watering hole.
It is necessary
Today’s episode is sponsored by Needed. Needed is the leading women’s health supplement brand recommended by nutrition-trained practitioners. While most perinatal supplements include the minimum nutrients needed during pregnancy, Needed products are based on the latest clinical research and in-practice experience of nearly 4000 practitioners. Needed covers all your needs, from your prenatal vitamins to pregnancy-specific Pre/ and Probiotics, to egg quality support, sleep, stress, immune support and hydration, as well as your protein needs for blood sugar balance and postpartum healing. Needed’s Complete Plan delivers unparalleled nutrition for every stage — you’re trying to conceive, pregnant, or postpartum! Instead of combining 6 different products to meet your needs, I love that Needed simplifies things by combining the four main products you need, into one easy and flexible monthly plan . Save 20% off your first order of Needed’s Complete Plan or any of their other perinatal nutrition products at thisisneeded.com with the code BIRTHHOUR.
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