A Fun Guide for Parents

Revealing the gender of your baby is a special moment to share with family and friends. If you have children who are excited about having a baby brother or sister, let them join in the fun too. Gender reveal ideas for kids help your little ones feel included and create a sweet memory for everyone. With so many gender reveal ideas to choose from, there are some that are great options for your kids. You may choose to host a gender reveal party with refreshments and gender-sensitive gifts from guests. Or you can wait to make the big announcement at your baby shower. However you want to share the news, we’ve collected 20 of our favorite ideas for finding out your baby’s gender.
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20 Creative Gender Reveal Ideas for Kids
Let your kids know if they have a little sibling with these fun gender reveal ideas for kids. There are many ways to incorporate confetti and balloons with fun string and water guns into this special family moment. Keep reading for some of our favorite gender reveal ideas for kids.
Blue or Pink Cake/Cake Pops
Give your ultrasound results to a baker or a trusted friend and ask them to bake a cake or make cake pops with blue or pink cake inside. Make sure it is covered with thick frosting so there is no chance of the cake color peeking through. Start a countdown and have everyone bite into their cake pops at the same time, or help an older brother or sister cut the cake to reveal the color inside.
Colorful Pinata Reveal
Fill a pinata with pink or blue confetti or candy all pink or blue wrappers. Take turns as a family whipping the pinata until the flesh falls out. We also like the pull-string pinatas, which is easier for kids.
Gender Reveal Scratches Off
Just like cake pops, count until family and friends can rub their cards together to reveal your baby’s gender. Or you can ask the baby’s big brothers or sisters to scratch off their cards and show them to the rest of the group. You can find these fun scratch-off cards at many party supply stores and on Etsy.
Secret Play Dough Revealed
Let your child’s hands get messy with this creative gender reveal idea for kids. Give your child a ball of white play dough. As they squeeze and play with the dough, it will turn blue or pink, thanks to the food coloring hidden inside.
Surprise Confetti Gender Reveal
There are some exciting ways to discover your baby’s sex with confetti. Give guests a hidden bag of colored confetti or buy confetti poppers for a grand reveal. You can also fill vanilla cookies with edible confetti (sprinkles) for a sweet treat with a fun surprise.
Silly String Baby Gender Reveal
The kiddos will definitely want to get in on the action with this reveal. Grab a can of fun string and have fun spraying your family with blue or pink string. Ask a loved one or your party planner to cover the outside of the cans so no one finds out too soon.
Reveal Your Fortune
This time, your destiny will come true. Buy custom fortune cookies that your kids will enjoy parting with. Inside the cookie will read your fortune, telling whether your coming baby will be a boy or a girl.
Gender Expression with Paint
Fill water guns with pink or blue paint for this gender reveal idea for kids. Stand in a circle with your family, count from 10, then squirt each other with paint that reveals the color inside. We recommend wearing white to get the full effect of the paint and for photos.
Balloon Drop with Confetti
Fill a box with balloons (filled with air and not helium), confetti, streamers, etc., all blue or pink. Hang the box from a pergola, tree, or ceiling. Attach a string to the bottom of the box that your child can pull to reveal the contents and the gender of their baby brother or sister.
Gender Reveal in the Balloon Box
This is an inverted version of the balloon drop. Fill a box with balloons (filled with helium to make them float) in pink or blue colors. When the box is opened, the balloons will float out of the box. Make sure the balloons are tied to the bottom of the box with string or ribbon so they don’t float into the sky.
Sweet Painted Hands
Ask a loved one to paint your child’s hands pink or blue while you are blindfolded or closed. Your child will then place their painted hands on your belly which will reveal the gender of your baby. Wear a white or light colored T-shirt so everyone can see those sweet little handprints.
Revealing Ultrasound Picture
Unveil an ultrasound photo of your baby during your gender reveal party. If you or a friend are tech savvy, upload your baby’s ultrasound photo and color it blue or pink. You can also add a pink bow or a blue bow tie to the photo.
Baby Gender Reveal Scavenger Hunt
Get the whole family involved in a fun scavenger hunt. This gender reveal idea for kids lets you get creative with baby riddles and clues. The last clue leads to a box or door that you open to reveal whether you’re expecting a boy or a girl.
Big Reveal with Baby Clothes
Ask a loved one to set up a cute pink or blue baby outfit. Parents-to-be and their children can unwrap the dress as part of the gender reveal. It’s also a sweet surprise at the end of the scavenger hunt we mentioned earlier.
Gender Reveal with Holi Powder
This gender reveal idea for kids is similar to fun string and paint, but this time with colorful holi powder. This powder is often seen during the 5K color run. Wear white in anticipation of your guests going pink or powder blue.
Ribbon Gender Reveal
During the gender reveal party, the mom-to-be will wear a blue and pink ribbon around her belly. When it’s time to announce the baby’s gender, the loved one will cut one of the ribbons leaving the correct color. Guests can also vote as the expectant mother walks through the party whether they think she’s having a boy or a girl.
Gender Revealing Experiments in Creative Science
Do a fun science experiment to reveal your baby’s gender. We love the volcano that spews blue or pink “lava” when you pour white vinegar over baking soda. This is a fun gender reveal idea for kids because they can get hands on with the experiment.
Holiday Lights Reveal
Similar to displaying your outdoor lights during the holidays, decorate the outside of your home, your front door, or a pergola with blue or pink lights. When it’s time to reveal whether you’re having a boy or a girl, ask a loved one to hit that magic switch to light up your space. This is a great option for an outdoor gender reveal party at night or at sunset.
Airplane Banner Gender Reveal
Do you know someone with a private plane, or can you hire a local pilot? Schedule a time to have a plane fly over your gender reveal party with a banner that says “It’s a Girl” or “It’s a Boy.” It’s a fun surprise that your guests and your kids won’t see coming, and it makes for an unforgettable moment at your gender reveal party or baby shower.
Sporty Gender Reveal
Do you or a member of your family love baseball or golf? Get the sporty members of your family to hit a baseball or golf ball that will explode with blue or pink powder. It’s also fun if you have a little slugger who is a tee ball pro. Place the ball on a tee and let them swing until they touch.