Abortion Clinic Fail Their Health Inspections. Again. Showing Abortion is Not Health Care

A recent inspection of an abortion facility in Philadelphia shows why abortion centers can’t be trusted to police themselves.
Inspectors found numerous health and safety violations at the PPSP Far Northeast Health Center in November.
Initially, the facility failed to dispose of old supplies. These supplies include instruments used to perform abortions. When asked about the facility’s policy regarding disposal of old supplies, “none was provided.”
But the violations did not end there. The inspection also found an unclean ultrasound machine, use of latex gloves on the operating floor, and blood-like substances under the refrigerator in the facility’s contamination room.
An approved plan of correction is “not on file.”
Is this any way to run a business, let alone a medical facility?! Despite the filthy conditions, the Pennsylvania Department of Health website continues to list the PPSP Far Northeast Health Center as “open.”
It is illustrative at this point to recall why we had such health department inspections in the first place. There was a time in Pennsylvania when inspections just didn’t happen, the result of what even a grand jury recognized as pro-abortion politics.
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Then came abortionist Kermit Gosnell and his West Philadelphia “House of Horrors.” Investigators believe Gosnell killed hundreds of newborn babies by “severing” their spinal cords. In the end, prosecutors were able to bring charges in only a handful of cases because Gosnell broke so many records.
Gosnell is now serving three consecutive life terms in prison for the murders of the three infants. He was also convicted of involuntary manslaughter in connection with the death of a female immigrant patient, Karnamaya Mongar.
Meanwhile, pro-abortion lawmakers in the state legislature want to pass a Constitutional Amendment that would end all protections for premature babies, including abortion center regulations.
At a time when abortion facilities routinely fail inspection in Pennsylvania, such a proposed policy could lead to the arrival of future Gosnells—people who would happily trade women’s health and safety for a quick buck.
LifeNews.com Note: Maria Gallagher is the Legislative Director and Political Action Committee Director for the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation and she has written and reported for various broadcast and print media outlets, including National Public Radio, CBS Radio, and AP Radio.