Despite the abortion ban, carafem remains open in Tennessee

Tennessee Bans Abortion, But We Stay Open
Due to the complete ban on abortion put in place by the state of Tennessee, Mt. Carafem’s Juliet health center will no longer provide procedural abortion or abortion pills starting August 25, 2022.
carafem will still provide reproductive health care
The Mt Juliet carafem location will remain open, offering affordable birth control options, STI testing and treatment, pregnancy testing, pregnancy dating ultrasounds, and health care information reproductive. Additional health care services may be added after an ongoing assessment of community-based needs for health care services. Sadly, we know that thousands of people each year who need, and want, abortion care are now forced to consider travel, self-sourcing abortion pills online, or continuing a pregnancy that seems they are not for the good of themselves or their families.
Across the US, extremist politicians are placing barriers between pregnant women and reproductive healthcare. Tennessee’s blanket ban on abortion is one of the strictest in the United States, though no exception is allowed for rape or incest. As we are forced to pause the provision of abortion care in this state, we want to take a moment to reflect on the positive impact carafem has had, and will continue to have, on this community.
We are proud of the quality of service provided by carafem in Tennessee
carafem came to Tennessee in 2019 to improve access to abortion care for people who travel hours to our Atlanta, Georgia location seeking help. As soon as we opened in Mt Juliet, an entire month of appointments was filled in less than a day, indicating the tremendous need for better access to abortion care in this community. Within 48 hours of opening, city commissioners held an emergency session of Mt. Juliet to discuss a rezoning initiative in an attempt to hinder our ability to provide reproductive healthcare. We responded by engaging in a legal battle with the city of Mt. Juliet in this abuse of power and ultimately wonshowing other communities that this type of government control of small business is illegal.
Since 2019, carafem has provided abortion care to people from all over the state – those clients trust us to help them with very personal and private health care decisions. carafem believes that each of us should be able to live, work, and make decisions about our health and our future with unlimited access to resources and support. When people can make decisions about their own reproductive health care, including if and when to have children, they have healthier families and more control over their economic future.
Testimonial Highlights for our Mt. Juliet Health Center
We are proud of the quality of service carafem has provided in Tennessee, as well as in each of the other communities we serve. Our clients continue to tell us how grateful they are for the care they receive at our offices. In the feedback left after their visit, 99% of the people we served in Tennessee would recommend carafem to a friend and feel that carafem staff treated them with kindness and respect. We are grateful to the many people who have left reviews sharing their experience with others online. Here is a small example of the thousands of people who have been affected by the high quality abortion care carafem has brought to the community.
We look forward to continuing to support the communities we serve with quality health care that addresses the physical and emotional well-being of our clients. If you can, consider making a donation to help carafem continue to grow and innovate in the field of reproductive health care.
As always, if you need an appointment for birth control, STI testing and treatment, or (outside of Tennessee,) an abortion, you can schedule it online or call us at 1-855-SAY-CARA.