
Hormones that create the pathway to birth. 

The process of pregnancy and childbirth is truly fascinating. The body has a well-organized and complex system that initiates and drives labor and through birth and after breastfeeding. These processes help to develop a deep connection and attachment with their baby, after birth.

At no other time in a person’s life is the hormonal fluctuation as intense as it is throughout pregnancy. Each hormonal system has a biological process that begins in pregnancy and continues in the postpartum and newborn period. Each system has unique tasks throughout this journey. Hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, and others influence changes in brain function and structures during pregnancy.

There are four distinct hormonal systems at work; oxytocin; beta-endorphins; epinephrine-norepinephrine (adrenaline-noradrenaline) related to stress hormone systems; and prolactin.


Oxytocin is a powerful reproductive hormone that has many effects on the brain and body. It works with the parasympathetic nervous system to encourage calm, connection, healing, and growth. It helps to induce uterine contractions and creates a calming analgesic effect on both parent and baby throughout labor and postpartum. It also helps with maternal adaptations in the postpartum period that reduce stress, increase sociability, and prime reward centers, which provide pleasure in interacting with and caring for the infant, therefore promoting long-term infant survival. [1]


Beta-endorphins are endogenous opioids that provide analgesic and adaptive responses to stress and pain. [2] They are responsible for activating the pleasure centers. They help create an altered state of consciousness to help alleviate discomfort and overwhelming emotions/activities/events. They facilitate the parent’s euphoria and instill happiness in their newborn. It works with oxytocin synergistically to strengthen the reward centers for psychological well-being.


The nervous system is complex and helps regulate the body’s physiology, especially the interaction between its two branches—the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system. [4] It also affects how a person copes with and manages the sensations of birth, depending on whether they are in a parasympathetic nervous system state (calm and quiet) or a sympathetic state that prepares the body for a fight, flight, or freeze response. The adrenaline system Epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine (noradrenaline) mediate the system and its response. A person’s emotional state affects the flow of these hormones and how the body responds.


Prolactin is a stress and growth hormone produced by the pituitary gland. It starts by talking to the breast to start the production of breast milk and the flow of oxytocin to help the connection with the baby. As birth approaches, levels rise and rise along with beta-endorphins and oxytocin.

There are many ways to encourage natural hormonal production during the birth process; here are some suggestions that can be included in the birthing journey.

  • A walk in nature
  • Soothing music
  • Massage and light touch
  • Hydrotherapy (a hot shower, relaxing bath, or a float session)

Birth hormones are messengers produced by the body and baby. They work together to guide important changes in the body, to help give birth smoothly and safely. Hormones guide the human body in various ways, such as starting the process of birth and labor, preparing the baby for life outside the womb, launching the production of breast milk, and making sure that it is functioning properly. the oxytocin.

Understanding how hormones work in the birth process can help us better serve our clients to create an environment that facilitates a calm response, enriching their birth experience.


  1. Oh, Alexis. “How Pregnancy Changes the Brain.” Obtained from
  2. Buckley, Sarah, MB, ChB. “Executive summary of the hormonal physiology of childbirth evidence and implications for women.” Obtained from
  3. Birth Connections. “The Role of Hormones in Childbirth.” Obtained from
  4. Goldstein, 2006; Bonaz et al., 2021; “A Review of the Vagus Nerve and Autonomic Nervous System During Fetal Development: Finding Critical Windows.” Obtained from

About the Author

Sonya Duffee’s (CLD, CLDT, CPD, CCCE) journey to supporting and empowering families through birth began shortly after the birth of her own children. With over 20 years of experience in a variety of birth settings including home births, hospitals and birth centers providing prenatal, delivery and postnatal care to expectant families in the community. Sonya Duffee has attended over 1000 births in Saskatchewan, Alberta, New Mexico, Texas and Colorado providing personalized, individualized care to meet the needs of her clients. From 2002 to 2007 she was the only community-based Midwife in Regina, Saskatchewan providing home birth services. Sonya has held many positions in local, provincial and national organizations. Past appointed member of the Saskatchewan College of Midwives and various working committees for the implementation of regulated midwifery. Past President and active member of the Doulas of Regina Association as well as past-advisor for the Canadian Doula Association and her involvement in the birthing community through CAPSAC, Birth Unlimited, Friends of the Midwives and the Midwifery Association of Saskatchewan. She is Director of a community-based organization called The Family Room in Saskatchewan and has contributed to birth-related publications such as BEARTH and BIRTHING Magazine.

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