La Alianza Maternal Mental Health Week

#EnRedNosSostenemos, or ‘Supporting each other as a network,’ is the slogan for the La Alianza en Español World Maternal Mental Health Week 2023 campaign. This initiative connects organizations and individuals around the world to raise awareness of the importance of caring for families during the perinatal period.
As part of this series for our Spanish-speaking community, Dr. Jesús Cobo, VP of the Marcé Society in Spain, that 80% of fathers report intrusive thoughts about their babies. Fathers generally do not voice their concerns or share their symptoms, even with their partner, making it difficult to diagnose paternal depression. You can learn more about this topic here.
Argentina was present with dynamic professionals who spoke about resources, and emotional support strategies should be considered by public institutions and health professionals while supporting mothers with Neonatal babies Intensive Care Units (NICU). Listen to the conversation here.
Dr. emphasized Alinne Barrera from Palo Alto University, California, the importance of psychoeducation to prevent and reduce the occurrence and spread of perinatal mood disorder in mothers and their families. Education is protection and prevention. Find out more here link.
There are 11 additional live discussions and workshops on various topics, such as sexual abuse and breastfeeding, faith and mental health, postpartum psychosis, perinatal grief, perinatal therapeutic companions, etc., on our Youtube channel @postpartumvideo and Facebook page.
To conclude the week, we held a virtual networking event with perinatal health professionals from Latin America to connect and consult about work within their practices.
During this time, providers expressed the importance of having professionals with specialized training. Another theme is the need for support to professionals and peers to share their experiences and clinical cases within research. It highlighted the importance of promoting perinatal mental health research in Latin America. Finally, some providers noted that a lack of resources from the government for perinatal health is common.
Being in a place where providers felt connected and seen by others in their field within Latin America generated hope and motivation to continue supporting mothers and families. It is evident that #EnRedNosSostenemos is the way to create a future where a mother’s mental health is a priority at the societal level.
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#EnRedNosSostenemos was the theme proposed by PSI La Alianza en Español for the 2023 World Maternal Mental Health Week campaign, under which organizations and people around the world united once again to make their families more visible in the perinatal stage.
As part of our series of talks and lectures en vivo, Dr. Jesús Cobo, vice-resident of the Sociedad Marcé (España), explained that 80% of parents report intrusive thoughts regarding their babies. Los padres generally do not express their concerns or share their symptoms with anyone, not even with their partner, which hinders the diagnosis of paternal depression. Puedes enterarte más sobre este tema en el siguiente link. (
Argentina was present, with excellent professionals who talked about resources and emotional support strategies that public institutions and health professionals should review and take into account when facilitating breastfeeding and, in general, the presence of their babies interned in the Neonatal Intensive Care Units (UCIN). Listen to this talk link.
Otra ponencia fue la de la Dra. Alinne Barrera, from the University of Palo Alto, California, who focused on highlighting the importance of psychoeducation as a way to prevent and reduce the appearance and prevalence of perinatal mood disorders in mothers and their families. La educación es protección y prevención, entérate más en este link.
You can see the rest of the 11 talks, talks and presentations that we present on diverse topics such as sexual abuse and breastfeeding, faith and mental health, postpartum psychosis, perinatal dueling, perinatal therapeutic accompaniment, among others from Youtube LINK ( and on our Facebook page LINK (
To close the week, together with the Red Latinoamericana de Salud Perinatal Mental, we will hold a zoom meeting with professionals from the perinatal health of all Latin America, to discuss and share about the challenges they face in their profesional practices and enómollo.
The importance of having specialized and knowledgeable professionals in health institutions was highlighted, and it was common to hear the need to support professional peers to share experiences and clinical cases. Esto lleva a otro importante reto que es el de fomentar la investigación en salud mental matern en Latinoamérica. Finally, it was concluded that the lack of resources destined to perinatal health from governmental entities is a common denominator in the difficulties that confront estos profesionales in different countries of Spanish speaking.
Ante semejante panorama, el sentirnos accompanied y ver que se está gestando una sostén network en Latinoamérica generated hope and motivation to continue working for the mothers and their families, fue muy claro que #EnRedNosSostenemos el dono que la para sa future salud mental de las madres are the biggest priority in all levels of society.