Lucky Charms – Same Love Surrogacy

10 March Lucky Charms
The St. Patrick’s Day is known in our country as a day to celebrate all things Irish, and wish each other a little luck, but it’s not the only time of year here at Same Love Surrogacy to be lucky. You see, even though surrogacy journeys involve a lot of science, they also require a little luck. When embryo transfer occurs, it is not a guaranteed thing that the embryo will survive and continue to grow, although everything is done scientifically to provide the best possibilities. Because of this, many Intended Parents and Surrogates turn to superstitions and lucky charms to give a little extra help.
Before moving day, many surrogates will choose a particular dress in which they feel they will have better luck. This might include a fun shirt that says “Knock Me Up, Doc!”
or “Hip, Hip, Hooray! It’s Transfer Day!”, a pair of socks covered with lucky things like four-leaf clovers or the words “good vibes” or even a bracelet or other jewelry that they consider lucky or mean something to them. Many also carry special charms or lucky objects, such as four-leaf clovers adorned with trinkets or a small rose quartz stone, which many people believe increases fertility for the wearer. .
Many alternatives also turn to foods that they perceive to bring good luck or also increase fertility. For example, one of the main focuses on transfer day is the “attachment” of the embryo to the surrogate’s womb. Because of this, many surrogates eat sticky foods like McDonald’s French fries or sticky rice that represents the stickiness inside. Many cultures also have old wives’ tales about the fertility powers of fruits like pomegranates, so many surrogates consume them on or around their
transfer days. Certain foods, such as pineapples, are believed to aid implantation due to the nutrients in the core, so they have become symbols of luck and fertility within the IVF community and are embraced by many surrogates.
All the lucky charms, clothes and food, help the surrogates to be more relaxed in the process, which is very beneficial for
planting. The less stressed a surrogate is about everything, the higher the chance that the transfer will stick, and the journey will continue. Because of this, before moving day, we try to send as much luck as possible to our surrogates and intended parents. Our surrogates each receive “Transfer Kits” filled with many lucky items to help wish for a smooth and successful transition. We also send personal messages of encouragement, good luck and “sticky vibes” or “baby dust”.
So, on St. This Patrick, if you find yourself with a lot of extra luck, feel free to send some of those lucky vibes to our surrogates, or consider becoming one yourself! We are always LUCKY to be in this position of helping others on this amazing journey!