No Other Political Issue Matters if You’re Killed in an Abortion

The premise of being a single-issue voter is often met with condescension. As if only a simple person would think so narrowly. Especially if the only issue is protecting the unborn.
There are other issues to consider; focusing on one issue may seem clueless. Clueless to the fact that the rest of the world has to deal with injustice, inflation, international war, poverty, hunger, and limited housing options. The long list of concerns goes on. Important issues, which are very important.
But only in living.
None of these issues is a concern for the dead. You have to survive to take care of job opportunities and poverty. You must be breathing to take care of the devastating geopolitical events taking place around the world.
There is no other issue if you are not born first. Not one.
So, when I say pro-life issues are the most important, I mean the right to be born is the first right No other right, concern, or voting issue matters if you are not alive.
We feel the weight of all these other issues because we are among the living. We are safe when we are hidden inside our mothers, grown out of sight; but alive, nevertheless.
I am able to write this and you can read it because we have overcome this enormous hurdle that, every year, hundreds of thousands in the US don’t. We escaped the cruel possibility of abortion.
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And so, we, who are born, will head to the polls to vote on issues that concern us. now.
But we must not forget our first right – life.
Instead of fast-forwarding to the issues that affect us after birth, we need to first defend those who are not as safe as we are. is. It’s forgetful and self-centered when we don’t care about issues – like abortion – that can no longer take away from us personally. We must remember that we were once weak in abortion.
I remember one story about an interview given by anthropologist Margaret Mead. When asked what he considered evidence of the first sign of civilization, he cited an archaeological discovery of an ancient thigh bone. The bone was broken and healed.
A healed bone indicates that someone helped the broken bone and cared for the person in the healing process. The lives of the weak are protected by other people. For him, that means a civilized culture.
Protecting the most vulnerable – those who would die without our help – is indeed a mark of a civilized nation. But is this a sign of our country? The evidence we can’t see – millions of discarded preborn bodies – tells a different story.
While most agree with the right to protection for all people outside the delivery room, we seem to have lost our way in the delivery room. The safety of that journey depends entirely on someone else’s decision – and it’s not just the mother’s.
It’s yours and mine too. When we don’t work towards securing laws that protect the unborn, we are all part of the practice, the accessibility, the acceptability – whatever word you choose to use – of abortion.
And laws begin with people. Like the ones we see on our ballots. That’s why we choose our representatives carefully.
Protecting the unborn may not alone qualify a candidate, but no protecting the unborn seems like a good reason to disqualify a candidate. It is the issue that allows all other issues to be important at all.
But we are post-Roe, you said. true Technically. But last year’s Supreme Court vote hasn’t changed hearts at the state level. And while the Supreme Court removed the federal right to an abortion, states still have the right to determine the fate of the unborn within their borders.
While we await a comprehensive report on the current incidence of abortion across the US, reports which shows that even some states have seen a noticeable decrease in abortions since last year Dobbs decisionother states have seen sharp increases.
Here in the fall of 2023, races across the US especially about abortion.
In the past two months, I have received three texts encouraging me to vote. The messages encouraged me to vote because “reproductive rights are on the ballot this fall” in my state. I think they are on the ballot in many (if not all) states.
Those texts make it clear: this is an issue for voters on both sides of the abortion aisle.
So, as you consider your candidates this year, keep that in mind. Slow down and remember that the sanitized slogan “right to choose” really means the right to end the life of a living human infant.
As a nation – as a civilized country – we are better than this. Our humanity calls us to protect the most vulnerable, just as it protects us. The reason we vote is because we don’t have abortions. How about we just close the curtain and vote for a candidate who supports the death of unborn babies? Others deserve the same protection we have received. This is also their first right.
LifeNews Note: Sherri Pigue is a pregnancy help client advocate and has served on staff with pregnancy medical clinics in Texas and Virginia, consulting with hundreds of women and men as they make life decisions about their pre-borns. that child. Her experience as an advocate has given her opportunities to write, speak at events, and impact community awareness. She is a follower of Christ, wife, mother, daughter, sister, and friend. This column originally appeared on PregnancyHelpNews.