Pregnancy Yoga Third Trimester for Less Painful Labor

This beautiful Prenatal Yoga will help relieve third trimester pains and help prepare for childbirth.
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25 minutes long and no equipment required, yoga mat recommended but not required.
We work with breathing techniques to help you mentally prepare for birth, while we work on vocal toning.
Pregnancy Yoga Third Trimester for Less Painful Labor
00:00 Pregnancy Yoga for the Third Trimester
00:26 Shoulder Wheels
00:46 Lateral Stretch
01:37 Yoga Modification for Carpal Tunnel or Sore Wrists
01:48 Cow Cat
2:14 Hip Circles
3:35 Best Moves to Relieve Back Pain in the Third Trimester
4:45 Hip Opening for Birth Preparation with Kneeling Lunge
8:12 Mobility for the Inner Thighs to Help Prepare for Labor
8:56 Thoracic rotation
11:25 Change for the Down Dog in the Third Trimester
11:59 Hip Opening Squats for Preparing for Birth
13:22 Hip Opening Butterfly Pose for Preparing for Birth
15:52 Bird Dog
19:40 Lying down Hip Openers
21:50 Mermaid pose
25:41 Seated Hip Circles
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