Pro-Life Group Endorses Daniel Cameron in Kentucky Gubernatorial Race

National Right to Life has announced its endorsement of Attorney General Daniel Cameron in the race for Kentucky Governor.
“National Right to Life is pleased to endorse Daniel Cameron for Governor of Kentucky,” said Carol Tobias, president of National Right to Life. “As Attorney General, Daniel Cameron has championed commonsense measures to protect the lives of unborn children, and he has been a strong advocate for giving pregnant women the support they need to make life-affirming decisions.”
Daniel Cameron supports protections for unborn children and their mothers, and he opposes the use of Kentucky tax dollars to pay for abortions. As Governor, she will be a champion for Kentucky’s pregnancy assistance centers, which offer women and their families critical support and resources when faced with an unexpected pregnancy.
In contrast, Governor Andy Beshear (D) is taking the same pro-abortion position as fellow Democrats Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. He supports a policy of unlimited abortion for any reason throughout pregnancy, and he supports using tax dollars to pay for abortions. Beshear even vetoed legislation to protect unborn babies past the point where science shows they are capable of experiencing pain.
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“Governor Beshear’s support for unrestricted abortion until birth is extreme, dangerous for mothers and their unborn children, and out of touch with Kentucky voters,” Tobias said. “Kentucky deserves a governor like Daniel Cameron who is committed to building a culture of life.”
Daniel Cameron is also endorsed by the Kentucky Right to Life Victory PAC, the political arm of the state’s National Right to Life affiliate.
“Kentucky Right to Life is proud to stand with National Right to Life in support of Daniel Cameron for Governor,” said Addia Wuchner, RN, executive director of Kentucky Right to Life. “We hope to highlight Cameron’s principled pro-life leadership and expose Andy Beshear’s appalling pro-abortion record.”