Products That Help With Prenatal Discomforts

Pregnancy is life-changing and amazing in many ways, but it’s also a nine-month stretch of dealing with discomforts you may not have experienced until now.
Maybe your first indication of being pregnant is unexpected morning sickness that keeps popping up (and ruining your appetite for pancakes on the weekend). Maybe you just can’t rest from indigestion, or maybe back pain, constipation, or prenatal insomnia (or all of the above!) has been a thorn in your side. Whatever unpleasant symptoms linger on your prenatal journey, safe, effective, and, ideally, easy solutions are essential to achieving pregnancy as comfortably as possible.
It is important to note that while many of the issues listed below may be safe for a non-pregnant person to treat with medication, not all medications are considered safe to take during pregnancy—and there are also med-free options that can help too! If pregnant (or planning to become pregnant), you should always discuss the use of prescriptions, over-the-counter drugs, herbal and dietary supplements, and vitamins with your health care provider. Whatever your ailment(s), these bump-safe remedies are great to use.