Redefining What It Means to Make a Family

Making a family is often assumed to be a man and a woman, marrying and easily having biological children. But there are many ways to have a family. After issues with infertility and miscarriage, Hannah Bronfman was continue to document his strugglesso other women understand that creating a family is beautiful, no matter how hard it is to do it.
Although Bronfman says she never set out to be a poster child for infertility, she knows she’s definitely not alone in the struggles she’s experienced. She lost a pregnancy, had IUI and IVF, tracked her cycles, prepared for egg collection, and much more. From age 29, when she started getting pregnant, to age 35, when she was featured in Glamor just two weeks before her second child was due, much of her life was taken up by fertility issues.
Because she chose to document much of her journey on social media, she showed other women dealing with the same types of issues that they are not alone in the struggles they face, and the fear, heartache, and joy that comes with a fertility journey. Especially for Black women, the struggles of creating a family often make them feel like no one sees them or hears their concerns.
Bronfman knew she could help change that, and help women feel like they could talk about what they were going through and how it affected them. Through his journey, he is normalizing and redefining what it means to make a family. As her children grow, she will tell them the story, and make sure they know that their conception stories are just as valid and beautiful as other people’s stories.
The path to bringing her children into the world may be different from what people think of when they think of starting a family, but attitudes and perceptions are changing. She’s helping to change that, as she makes her voice heard and helps other women feel empowered to speak up about their ongoing fertility journeys, too.
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