Shannon’s Amazing Third Birth – My Birth Story

birth prep birth stories
Jun 01, 2023
I gave birth to a little boy we named Sebastian on Tuesday 18th April. What a wonderful surprise! I’ve been doing Pregactive since I was pregnant with my second child and continued with Core rehab and stronger Mama challenges afterwards. So I came into this third pregnancy feeling strong and well.
Not sure where to start but I was 10 days “overdue” then went to 11 when this bub was born. I had a few prelabor warm ups in the days leading up but nothing stuck.
On Sunday, I decided to go in for a cervical check and stretch and sweep. I didn’t feel comfortable doing it before this point. I found out I was 3-4cm dilated. Sweeping wasn’t comfortable because I was so dilated.
The doctor also checked my placenta and baby in the birth suite and everything was fine. All this boosted my mood that bub was coming soon. Anyway, Monday came and I decided to do some natural induction methods.
I also did some PregActive Yoga that Night.
I was booked for an induction on Wednesday and really wanted to avoid that.
As I lay down to sleep that night I felt this pop type feeling (10.45pm). I wondered if my water had broken but nothing came out. I stood up and that’s when they leaked.
I called my midwife and she admitted me. We also called my student midwife to let her know. I haven’t had any contractions yet but as soon as I got off the phone they started.
We went to the hospital, my midwife checked my waters in the birth suite and they were clear. I had positive GBS after two swabs this pregnancy so I agreed to be given antibiotics.
I was having fairly regular contractions at this point.
I want to go home after the antibiotics. The doctor was really positive and encouraging saying to me that ‘I was the boss’ so if I want to go home I can, it’s my decision.
My midwife I don’t want to go home, I think he knew it was happening fast and he said after he was worried about shoulder dystocia. If you read my previous birth story, my oldest son’s shoulders were stuck when he was born so there was an increased risk of this happening with this birth.
After two previous long labors, I thought I was in for the long haul and I was feeling so tired by this point (it was 1am) so we headed home to “rest”.
Well that was a big joke, because the contractions at home just kept ramping up.
I couldn’t lie down but just sat up and used heat packs and my TENS machine with each wave. It got to 3am and while I was just looking at it for a while, my husband Harrison decided we needed to go back to the hospital.
He had to let me go a bit but when I got a little rest from the contractions I ran to the car. I don’t think Harrison was driving that fast. I was so thankful that we were only 10 minutes away from the hospital because when we got to the carpark I had massive contractions and urges.
Luckily there was a random wheelchair in the hospital parking lot and I hopped into it and Harrison wheeled me in. I was pretty vocal by this point but I didn’t care.
I have done a lot of PregActive birth prep and I know that vocalization and breathing can really help during labor.
I also closed my eyes which helped me to stay in my birthing brain. We went to the birth suite, straight to the room I had been in before. Harrison knew exactly what I wanted for this birth and it wasn’t in bed like my previous births, so he had a gym mat on the floor. . I landed there on my hands with my head resting on my husband’s leg and didn’t move.
Harrison spoke to the midwife on duty to hear our requests. This means no cervical checks and no electronic fetal monitoring. Just Doppler and some gas and air. Even then, I threw up because I had to breathe and push with my body. No coached pushing.
My midwife just came back. My midwife student didn’t even make it to the birth. After about 40 mins, I delivered my 4.22 kg baby boy on all fours. Baby came out without any help and so did his shoulders!!! My midwife instructed me to raise one leg after her head came out to help the shoulders and they were out in 2 minutes.
My body did it, I did it, my baby did it.
I just go with my body and what it tells me. I couldn’t believe it when he came out to me and I was so proud of myself. I can do it! It’s the best feeling. We delayed cord clamping, something I missed with my first two.
I did have a tear which took some stitching up but I honestly didn’t feel it happen, I thought I was intact.
My recovery from this birth has been amazing. I’m really enjoying soaking up the newborn cuddles. And my husband Harrison admired me. He said that to many people.
I am so grateful for this healing birth and how Kerryn and her PregActive program support moms in being healthy and strong for birth.
I really enjoyed doing my exercise each day and I wonder if that yoga that didn’t take long before my water broke did the trick!