Why is BMI Important When Becoming a Surrogate?

In Patriot Conceptions, we understand the profound impact surrogacy can have on individuals and couples looking to start a family. As a leading surrogacy agency, we prioritize the health and well-being of our surrogates and the successful outcome of the surrogacy journey. An important aspect that we consider during the screening process is BMI, or Body Mass Index. In this blog post, we will examine the importance of BMI when becoming a surrogate, highlighting its role in fertility, pregnancy, and in vitro fertilization (IVF) success.
What is BMI?
Before examining the importance of BMI for surrogacy, let’s understand what it entails. BMI is a numerical value derived from a person’s height and weight and is commonly used as a quick assessment tool to categorize individuals into different categories of weight status. The formula to calculate BMI is weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters (BMI = kg/m²). Based on the resulting number, individuals are classified as underweight, normal weight, overweight, or obese.

Why is BMI Important for Surrogates?
As a surrogacy agency, we recognize the impact of BMI on the fertility and pregnancy outcomes of our surrogates. While each individual is unique, both low and high BMI levels can present challenges during the surrogacy process. Surrogates with a low BMI may experience irregular menstrual cycles or difficulty conceiving. On the other hand, a high BMI can increase the risk of pregnancy complications such as gestational diabetes, hypertension, and pre-eclampsia. By focusing on a healthy BMI range, we aim to improve the chances of a smooth and successful pregnancy for our surrogates and the intended parents.
Why is my BMI high but I’m not fat?
BMI is a useful diagnostic tool to assess weight status at the population level. However, it has limitations when applied to individuals, as it does not take into account factors such as muscle mass, body composition, or fat distribution. This means that individuals with a higher proportion of muscle or denser bones may have a higher BMI, even though they may not be considered overweight or obese in terms of body fat percentage. Therefore, it is important to consider additional factors along with BMI when evaluating a person’s general health and suitability for surrogacy.
Does BMI Affect IVF Success?
In vitro fertilization (IVF) plays a major role in the surrogacy journey for many couples struggling with infertility. Research has shown that BMI can influence the success rates of IVF treatments. Higher BMI levels in both surrogate and intended mothers have been linked to reduced chances of successful embryo implantation and increased risk of miscarriage. In some cases, a higher BMI may require adjustments in medication doses during IVF, potentially leading to more complex treatment protocols. At Patriot Conceptions, we emphasize the importance of maintaining a healthy BMI to optimize the chances of a successful IVF procedure and maximize the overall results of the surrogacy journey.
In Patriot Conceptions, we put the welfare and success of our surrogates and intended parents first. BMI serves as an important tool in assessing the suitability of our surrogates for the surrogacy journey. By maintaining a healthy BMI range, we can mitigate potential risks, enhance fertility, promote a safe pregnancy, and increase the chances of a successful IVF procedure. Our dedicated team is dedicated to providing support, guidance, and resources to help our surrogates achieve and maintain a healthy BMI, ensuring a rewarding and enjoyable surrogacy experience for all. party involved.