quotes and verses for newborn boys

Baby poems, quotes and verses can be used for many purposes such as a baby boy birth announcement card, a scrapbook for your child, wall decoration for a baby’s nursery or for a boy’s baby shower , a photo gift for proud grandparents / godfathers, and more.
Quotes And Poems For New Baby Boys
Little baby boy, so precious and tiny, welcome to the world, we love you all! (c)Eva Dittmer
A new baby boy is something the whole world adores – and the best part of all is that this one is yours.
A baby boy is sunshine and moonbeams and more, lighting up your world like never before.
Son / Little boy, we loved you from the beginning, you stole our breath, embraced our hearts. Our life together has just begun, you are already part of us, cute child.
Little fingers, little toes, little little clothes. Teddy bear, car, train and smile of joy. Oh my gosh – the baby boy is so cute.
We have a boy!
A brand new baby boy who will fill our hearts with love and joy!
Baby boy: Small fingers and tickling toes. Cowboy boots, trucks to pull. A bundle of joy, created by love. A precious gift from God above.
A baby boy with smiles and charm, a few sleepless nights can cause alarm. But there is no greater gift you will receive from above, than to see his beautiful eyes shining with love.

Her little hands stole my heart – and her little feet ran away from it…
My little baby yesterday, my friend today, my son forever.
Popsicle kisses and big bear hugs. Little red wagon and jar full of bugs. Grass stains, football games, lots of toys – oh the fun!
No joy on earth brings more joy, than a little baby boy to be loved and cherished.
Ice hockey, football, boxing, wrestling, Nascar – anyone? Get ready because you are expecting a child.
Twinkle twinkle, little child, how you fill our hearts with joy!
Small hands and small feet. Small cheeks and a small mouth with a very sweet smile. Small eyes that are very bright. Little arms to hold you tight. Everything is small except your joy, when you have a new baby boy.
Little boys can be found everywhere: on top of, under, in, running around, climbing on, swinging from, jumping on, hiding in,…
You are (our) sonshine!
What did the little boys do? Frogs and snails, and puppy dog tails. Little boys are like that.
Little fingers, little toes… Little clothes… Football, baseball, lots of toys… Guess what? It’s a boy!
It’s a boy: two little hands and two little feet, now our family is complete.
The little fingers, the little fingers. Lively eyes and a beautiful nose. The mouth is so small and the smile is so sweet, you really are the cutest boy! (c)Eva Dittmer
With the little guys you always know where you stand… Right in the path of a storm!
Little guys are God’s way of telling you that your house is too tidy.
Dreams really do come true. Ours is wrapped in baby blue!
A baby boy seems to have a gift right from the start, knowing how to change your life and how to steal your heart!

Little boy quotes for your baby scrapbook.
Baby Boy Poems For Mom
Just get ready…
Mother of a Boy:
Handprints on closets and shoes in the hall. The toilet seat was up and there was mud on the wall.
Every sports channel will appeal to him and the front room will turn into a football field.
The kitchen shelves are constantly empty. There are toys on the couch and jeans on the chair.
Wrestling and mud and cars and noise, that’s what to expect as a mother of a boy!
(based on the poem ‘The Mother of Boys’ by Patsy Gaut)
Hold him a little, throw him a little more. Tell him another story – you just told him 4. Let him sleep on your shoulder, enjoy his happy smile. He was just a little boy for a while.
There’s this boy who stole my heart… He calls me Mommy!
You will be his first kiss, his first love, his first, best friend. You are his mother, he is your whole world, he is your child.
Boys can grow and outgrow their toys. But in their mothers’ hearts they are still their little boys.
“… and she loved a boy so much, more than she loved herself.” (The Giving Tree)
Mothers of little boys work from son to son down.
Boys: no grass stains, no glory. No bruise, no story.
If you know any other cute baby boy poems or verses or if you even write your own baby boy poems, it would be great if you could share them with me! Just use the contact me page, thanks!
More baby poems.
Baby rhymes for your scrapbook.
Gift ideas for newborn baby boys.