
BABY SHUSHER REVIEW – Why Sound Machines Are Important — Wichita Doula

As a postpartum doula and baby sleep consultant, I’m constantly asked for my recommendations on must-have baby products. I’m a bit of a minimalist, and I don’t believe that babies need tons of “stuff”, so my baby registry suggestions are usually a pretty short list.

However, as someone who is obsessed with sleep – getting enough sleep, the right kind of sleep, teaching babies to sleep, getting their mothers to sleep – there is one “baby gadget” that I do not recommend without, and that is a sound machine!

The sound machine is a lifesaver not only for tired parents, but also for babies. Most babies are sound sleepers, and all it takes to disrupt their schedule (and your me time) for an entire day is a doorbell ring, a knocking on the door, a barking dog, or a flushed toilet. flush too loudly out of their nursery when you are it just is put them down to sleep. The sound machine is soothing, and covers up any little noises so you don’t have to worry about squeaking floorboards after putting them in the crib.

Sound machines also work wonders for adults – when you finally get a chance to sleep (like when your postpartum doula is at your house for a night shift), it can be difficult to stay asleep for long periods of time when you’re not used to it.

There are many different sound machines on the market, and they are quite similar with minor differences and advantages/disadvantages.

One type of sound machine for babies that I like has something different here – the Baby Shusher.

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