poems and quotes for grandma and granddad

We love you! Find a collection of inspirational quotes and sayings about grandparents and grandchildren. Share them with your loved ones.
Grandma and Grandpa are the best!
Sunday, September 10, is
National Grandparents Day 2023 in the USA
Parents can use these verses for
- some cute wall art to give to the (new) grandparents (birth of their grandchild, birthday present, Easter present, Christmas present, etc.)
- a photo showing grandparents and their grandchild or grandchild. Then put it in a frame for a really unique gift to your relatives
- a ‘thank you’ to your parents or your in-laws
- a greeting card for (new) grandparents
- a Grandparents Day gift
- Of course this all qualifies for grandparents, too!
Grandparents and great-grandparents can use these quotes for
- your photo album and for your photos with your grandchildren
- your baby congratulations card to your newborn grandchild or grandchild and the parents

Inspirational Sayings
Just when we thought we were old enough to fall in love again – we became grandparents!
Having grandchildren is a blessing. Helping shape their lives is an honor.
A grandparent’s love is strong and deep – full of memories to cherish and keep!
Without our grandchildren our house would be clean and our wallets full. But our hearts will be more empty.
The whole world is in your arms when you hold your grandchild.
Kisses and hugs, cookies and treats, days spent with our grandparents are always so sweet.
Perfect love sometimes doesn’t come until the first grandchild. (Welsh proverb)
Being a grandparent is not a big deal. It’s a million little things!
If I had a star for every reason I love our grandchild(ren), I would have the entire night sky. (also replace “I” with “we”)
No joy on earth brings more joy than a grandchild to love and cherish!
A grandchild/grandchild reaches out your hand and touches your heart!
No distance can diminish the love a grandparent has for their grandchildren.
To be a grandparent is to experience the joy of unconditional love.
Grandparents allow everything that parents do not allow. They spoil and spoil their grandchildren and forgive everything. They are the most beautiful people in the world!
You will never look back on life and think: “I spent too much time with my grandchildren”.
Cute Gifts With Quotes
Funny And Funny Grandma Quotes
A parent’s job is to teach, motivate and criticize. A grandparent’s job is to cuddle, pamper and spoil!
All grandchildren are good, beautiful and smart. And follow their grandparents!
When God made our grandchildren, he was just showing off!
The simplest toy, which even the youngest child can operate, is called a grandparent. (Sam Levenson)
Only the best parents are promoted to grand-parents!
Grandparents are actually retired but often still work part-time, to the detriment of their grandchildren!
Grandparents exercise: kiss and squeeze, kiss and squeeze, kiss and squeeze… . Doesn’t do a thing for your weight, but oh what it does for your heart!
TGIF- – These grandparents are incredible!
Keep calm… and hug your grandkids!
Mommy and daddy know a lot. But grandma and grandpa know everything!
Grandparents love little hand prints everywhere.
They say genes skip a generation. Maybe that’s why grandparents are happy with their grandchildren.
Grandparents: It’s so easy to operate, even a child can do it!

More Quotes
When the grandparents walk in the door, discipline flies out the window. (Ogden Nash)
We don’t just put our hearts into loving our grandchildren – they become our hearts…
Grandchildren are like flowers… Watch them bloom and be watered with love!
Grandparents, like heroes, are as necessary to a child’s growth as vitamins.
There is no way to be a perfect grandparent… But a million ways to be a good one!
Children are the rainbow of life. Grandchildren are a pot of gold!
Grandchildren are like snowflakes… Each one is so beautiful. (do not know)
Being a grandfather is like being in love. If you’ve never experienced it, you can’t imagine how amazing it feels!
No one can do for young children what grandparents do. Grandparents are kind of sprinkling stardust in the lives of young children. (Alex Hale)
Blessed is he who pampers and clings, hugs and hopes, prays and pampers. Because they will be called grandma and grandpa!
Simple moments with your grandchildren often turn into priceless memories.
A grandchild is a treasure that you cannot measure the value of, except for the love in your heart.
Between the earth and the sky above, nothing can match the love of a grandmother!
Grandchildren make the world a little softer, a little kinder, a little warmer.
My grandchildren may be out of my sight, but they will never be out of my mind or my heart. (Jane Craft)
It’s amazing how grandparents suddenly seem so young when you become a…
More grandparent quotes and sayings especially for grandma and grandpa.

Grandmother’s Poems
Mrrandparents are a delightful blend of:
caring deeds,
good stories
and love!
G is for giving, they are always there
R is for wealth, so not comparable
A is for worship, for one and for all
N is for beautiful, to receive their call
D is for delightful, it’s their special way
P is for perfect, every day
A is for angels, precious as gold
R is for radiant, making life shine
E is for endurance, all that may come,
N is for noble, always standing firm
T is for soft, the softness of the touch
S is for special, we love them so much.
being grandparents
Being a grandparent is the stage of life
when you understand the true meaning of
the best is yet to come…
because you have reached it
Grandson’s Hand
The promise of tomorrow and hope dreams come true,
a reminder of the childhood that is still a part of you.
The wonder of a miracle where this love began,
so much found in the touch
of holding the grandson’s hand.
(do not know)
side by side,
or far apart,
My grandparents
always in my heart!
Gift ideas from baby give it to grandma and grandpa.
I hope you enjoyed my collection of grandparent quotes. If you know of any more sayings, please use the ‘contact me’ form to let me know so I can share them here. Thanks a lot!