How Your Family Can Help To Save The Planet

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Saving the planet is not just up to our governments. There are things we can do as families to make a difference in the world we live in. Check out the tips below and then talk to your family about other things you can do to protect the environment in your neighborhood.
#1: Walk or bike to school
Our cars are responsible for most of the world’s pollution so instead of bundling the kids on your motorbike for the school run, why not walk or cycle to school with them? Sure, you might have to get up earlier but you’ll do whatever it takes to save the environment. Not only that but you will also save money because you won’t be using any fuel.
Another benefit is that your children will feel more energized when they enter the classroom because the exercise will wake up their brains to prepare them for a day of lessons.
#2: Switch energy providers
Some energy providers are greener than others, such as Octopus which uses renewable energy sources to power green electricity. You can switch between them using it Octopus Energy referral code and also earn £50 in credit, which could come in handy if you’re currently feeling the pinch due to high energy prices.
#3: Unplug from technology
You can reduce your carbon footprint when you unplug from technology because you’ll use less electricity. Your kids might get upset when you tell them limit screen time but if you can find things to do with them, like playing board games or having fun outside in the garden, they may be more willing to ditch their devices for a while.
By spending time together, you’ll also have more time for bonding with your family, so it’s another reason to turn off the TV, laptop, and all your other devices at home.
#4: Spread the word
Litter can lead to land, water, and air pollution, and it can also have a negative impact on local wildlife. So, if you can involve your children in picking up trashyou will go to great lengths to protect your local area and the various creatures that live in it.
Be careful of course. You should all wear protective gloves when picking things up from the floor and you should tell your children to avoid anything that could harm them. Staying safe is paramount and so is having fun, because picking up trash on the beach or in the countryside can be a fun activity if the weather is warm and you make a game of picking up the trash. garbage
What else can you do?
There’s more your family can do to protect the planet. As examples:
- Use less water in the bath or shower
- Use eco-friendly cleaning materials when doing household chores
- Support local environmental organizations
- Recycle
- Food waste composting
And all of you can do many other things besides. Get together with your family and create an action plan to save the planet. You can’t make big changes in the environment but even the smallest act of kindness in the world can make a small difference.