Recent Study Finds Most Canadian Employers Don’t Offer Fertility Benefits

A recent survey commissioned by Organon showed that a higher number of companies in Canada are moving forward with offering fertility benefits. While that’s good news, it’s not as important as it first seemed. Although more companies in Canada are adding fertility issues to their insurance coverage, those companies generally restrict the types of benefits provided.
The biggest issue for companies that add fertility benefits is that they only cover a small amount of the cost. This keeps IVF and other treatments out of reach for many of those company’s employees, even if the companies technically offer coverage. Other companies continue to refuse to offer any type of fertility coverage or benefits at all, and this includes IVF drugs, sperm or egg donationsand fertility testing.
Couples who want to start or expand their families are finding that their employers aren’t helping them get the tools they need to do so, and resistance to providing these types of options continues conquest. The same is true for single individuals who want to have children through donors or surrogates. One of the biggest reasons many companies don’t offer this coverage is that it can be expensive.
However, an increasing number of employees are pushing for coverage options, and companies that refuse to provide fertility benefits may find it difficult to get the quality employees they seek. Over time, it’s likely that more businesses will make the move to provide coverage, especially when they see that the need for that addition isn’t going away.
In the meantime, employees are looking for work at those companies do offers benefits, and works with those companies to determine if enough coverage is offered to actually help them with their IVF or other fertility needs. Employees who get a minimal level of coverage through their employers may not have enough financial support or opportunity to continue with their plans and dreams. With that in mind, Canadian employers will be called upon more strongly in the future, to provide greater fertility benefits to their workers.
We are dedicated to helping people grow their families through assisted reproductive technologies. To learn more about how we can help you on your journey, contact us today.