October 2022 horoscopes: Something wicked this way comes

October is known for bringing all things spooky, including the first chill in the air. But this year, the scariest part is how much talking you have to do to get through this month’s rollercoaster. Take our advice and it will go much better.
September 23 – October 22
The relationship drama you’ve been experiencing lately will subside this month as you find more equal footing in your love life. Peaceful discussions will eventually become more common than stressful discussions, which will come as a great relief. However, keep an eye on the details of any big plans you make now. At the end of the month, you may have to rethink a significant step.
October 23 – November 21
Communication is key for you this month as you and a significant other work through some disagreements about relationship expectations. This is definitely tricky territory, and you’ll want to choose your words carefully. But make sure you’re honest and both of you are on the same page, because the end of the month will bring a big test.
November 22 – December 21
It may seem like everything is on your case this month and no matter what you do, you have a problem with someone. You usually don’t take it too personally when others fall short of you, and you use your sense of humor to deflect. But certain interactions this month are likely to leave you feeling sensitive. Although this may not be comfortable, it will help you understand others better and improve communication in the future.
December 22 – January 19
This month, your plans for something important will fall apart. And their reason may have to do with an important person in your life who needs you to pivot. While you may stubbornly try to stick to your initial plan, the end of the month does nothing but rethink things. Being flexible and accepting of change will help you during this time.
January 20 – February 18
Your love life (and for that matter, all your relationships) will move into more peaceful territory this month. Communication and understanding can help put any recent doubts between you and your loved ones to rest. Enjoy the reset, as the very end of the month may bring another round of relational problem-solving that you’ll totally get.
February 19 – March 20
You’ve had to retrace your steps recently, which may have left you feeling discouraged. Whether you’re rehashing a disagreement with a partner, reviewing the details of a mistake on a work project, or needing to return a significant purchase, it feels like your momentum has stalled. Just wait there. The very end of the month will provide good vibes for you, and you will be able to move forward again.
March 21 – April 19
This month, you will find yourself caring for many important people in your life, including your partner or love interest. Although your care and attention means the world to your loved ones, try to remember that this is a marathon, not a sprint. You may feel drained and need to tap out early if you’re not taking care of yourself as well. This is a good time to practice setting and maintaining boundaries.
April 20 – May 20
Staying flexible will be important this month when a complicated situation arises with a loved one. While it may be tempting to fall into a black and white thinking pattern and double down on your perspective, it’s important to remember that many things can be happening at once. By the end of the month, you’ll find yourself wanting to shut down, but continuing to negotiate through the complexity will be better for you in the long run.
May 21 – June 20
This month, you’ll spend a great deal of energy on an important project—perhaps something involving your partner. And even if you make a lot of progress, you may want to keep receipts for all of your related purchases. By the end of the month, you’re in cleanup mode as you backtrack on missteps. Fortunately, you have what it takes to pivot and execute a new plan quickly.
June 21 – July 22
It’s hard to feel understood by others this month because clear communication, especially with your emotions, is out of reach. You may feel like you can’t get close to the people who matter most to you. Even if the disagreement is not fun, if you can be patient and keep trying, communication will become more natural by the end of the month.
July 23 – August 22
Your navigational skills will be tested this month as various communication problems arise in an important relationship. While you can handle all of this, it’s important not to be lazy when things are resolved. Keep working on things, and you’ll be better prepared for the end of the month, when everything will be more intense and you’ll need to rely on the foundation you’ve laid through communication.
August 23 – September 22
Although interactions with others should be generally pleasant this month, you may have a sneaking suspicion that something beneath the surface is not quite right. That suspicion is likely to be confirmed at the end of the month when an unstable situation arises and sends you into problem-solving mode. Even if you prefer to do everything yourself, remember to ask for help. Others (including your significant other) want to be there for you.