What is a Golden Birthday? Golden Birthday Ideas

“What is the Golden Birthday?” I asked my 12-year-old this weekend. He asked me how I celebrated my Golden birthday. And I have no idea what he means! I had no idea what a Golden Birthday was, let alone how I celebrated mine!
Apparently, Golden Birthdays are all the rage! So of course, I decided to find out all about them!
Read on to find out exactly what Golden Birthday is.
What is Golden Birthday?
In other words, your Golden Birthday is your birthday in the year you turn the same age as your birthday date. For example, if your birthday is on August 24th, your Golden Birthday is the year you turn 24. Of course, some of us (like me) may not realize we have a Golden Birthday and miss it. our Golden Birthday!
Where did the idea of a Golden Birthday come from?
Many people say that the concept of celebrating the Golden Birthday originated in the 1950s. If you’ve ever wondered who came up with the concept, you’re not alone! Joan Bramsch is a mid-western Author and started celebrating her children’s Golden Birthdays. And it is thought that the tradition of Golden Birthdays grew from there!
Why is it called Golden Birthday?
According to tradition, a Golden Birthday is called as it is believed to be one of the most special birthdays in your life! After all, turning back the age of your birthday only happens once! Although some people call them Champagne birthdays or Lucky birthdays, most call them Golden Birthdays!
Does everyone get a Golden Birthday?
Yes, everyone gets a Golden Birthday! And there are lots of fun ways to celebrate it! Of course, depending on your age depends on your celebration. But if you’re celebrating a golden birthday as an adult, here are some fun ideas.

Are Golden birthdays lucky?
Of course, many people believe that the year of your Golden Birthday is a lucky year for you! So why not throw a Golden Birthday Party to celebrate your golden year!
What is a double Golden Birthday?
Today, the year in which you double your birth date is a double Golden Birthday. For example, if your date of birth is the 12th, your double Golden Birthday is when you turn 44! If your Golden Birthday is when you are 6, then your double Golden Birthday is when you are 12!
What is Triple Golden Birthday??
And so you don’t miss out on the Golden Birthday fun later in life, you can even celebrate your triple Golden Birthday! This is a great one for those of us who didn’t know about the Golden Birthday until later in life!
How do you celebrate a Golden Birthday? Fun Golden Birthday Ideas
Without a doubt, a great theme for a Golden Birthday is the color gold! Think gold decor, champagne, and sparkles! Gold balloons, a gold disco ball, gold star, gold banner, golden balloon arch, and golden birthday cake will all add to the theme. Go for a Gold theme party that you and your guests will love.
See how this family celebrated their 6-year-old’s Golden Birthday!
For the cake, a Gold Drip Cake is a perfect option. Watch this video to make your own!
Golden Birthday Gift Ideas
What would you give someone for their golden birthday? Well, if your budget allows, then the perfect gold birthday gift would be solid gold jewelry! A gold initial necklace or gold bracelet are both great ideas. Other ideas for a Golden Birthday Gift could be a keepsake gift of your choice wrapped in gold wrapping.
Isn’t turning 50 your Golden Birthday?
Despite what many people believe, there is no Golden Birthday when you turn 50! When referring to anniversaries, 50 years is a Golden Jubilee. So here comes the confusion regarding the 50th birthday.
What is Platinum Birthday?
A platinum birthday is a celebration when you turn the age of your birth year. So if you were born in 1970, your platinum birthday is the year you turn 70.
Final Golden Birthday Note
These special celebrations are becoming increasingly popular. So be sure to break out the gold decorations and bubbles when yours arrives!