Homebirth in an RV – The Birth Hour

What it’s like to give birth in an RV
Zoe Racca shares her experience with pregnancy and planning a homebirth while traveling around the US in an RV. He bought one RV sized birthing tubinstalled a tankless water heater to provide enough warm water, and gave birth to her son in the family RV with her two older children.
A little about Zoe and her family
“We are The Boho Hobos! A family of 5, 2 cats and a dog. We have been Fulltime RVing in our 200 square foot home on wheels, for 3 years now. We live this lifestyle to follow the projects my Husband manages for his work. I work from home, introducing Young Living Essential Oils into people’s lives. We home and roadschool our two girls, ages 10 and 4 1/2, and we also homebirth, which has been our latest adventure! We just had our 2nd homebirth IN our RV, located in the snowy, Colorado Rocky Mountains. It was definitely our most exciting and memorable RV experience to date. We safely welcomed our beautiful little boy, Cedar James, into our little boho tribe, on December 19th.” Connect with Zoe at www.BohoHobos.com or at Facebook and Instagram.
Birth Resources
Gentle Babies Essential Oils and Natural Remedies for Pregnancy, Childbirth, Babies and Toddlers
All photos by Kristi Williams Photography; See all photos from Zoe’s birth here
This episode is sponsored by Ergobaby. Founded in 2003, Ergobaby pioneered the gold standard for comfortable, ergonomic soft structured carriers. Their commitment to giving parents a foundation to thrive has launched the company into creating a wide range of award-winning products that fit into families’ daily lives seamlessly, comfortably, and safely – where function and quality are not compromised. In 2020, they launched Everlove by Ergobaby, a first-of-its-kind baby carrier buy back and resale program, a sustainability effort to support families and the planet. Look Ergobaby’s new Life with Baby Podcast and followed Ergobaby on Instagram and Brandi Sellers-Jackson (host of their podcast) as well! Use code BIRTHHOUR for 15% off at ergobaby.com.
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