Swelling in Pregnancy When to Worry

So how do you reduce? swelling in pregnancy? When should I worry?
I got. This new body change can cause anxiety because you’re not sure if it’s something to worry about or not. The best advice I can give you right now is to see your doctor and relieve some of that worry.
A Google search will only cause you more anxiety as you try to self-diagnose.
Swelling of the Feet
In this post, I will specifically focus on how reduce swelling in the feet during pregnancy.
Now, in the video below, I’m going to show you some techniques you can use to help reduce the risk of your ankle swelling.
When you are pregnant, oedema occurs when body fluids increase to protect you and your baby.
As a result, these fluids accumulate in your tissues due to the increased blood flow and pressure of your growing uterus on the pelvic veins and your vena cava.
But first, I want to chat a little more about generalities swelling when pregnant.
Swelling during Pregnancy is Normal
When chatting with your girlfriends, you soon learn that swelling is a normal part of pregnancy. This swelling is caused by this extra blood and fluid.
The hard part for you is knowing if your swelling is normal, or if it is indicative of a more serious issue.
Normal swelling is often called edema.
Where does this inflammation occur?
It can occur on your face, hands, legs, ankles, and feet.
Why does this inflammation occur in pregnancy?
This swelling, or excess fluid retention, is necessary to soften the body and allow it to grow as the baby grows. The extra fluid also helps prepare the pelvic joints and tissues to open for delivery.
It can be experienced at any time. However, you are more likely to experience it in second trimester and may increase while you are at third trimester.
What else can cause inflammation?
1. Heat
2. If your diet is low in potassium (eat a banana).
3. High sodium intake.
4. Standing for a long time.
5. Long days of activity.
6. High levels of caffeine consumption.
When should I worry?
Slight swelling is expected during pregnancy. The time to worry and seek professional advice is when you experience sudden swelling in your hands and face
This may be a sign of preeclampsia.
How to Reduce Inflammation During Pregnancy?
As mentioned, you can help reduce inflammation by eating foods high in potassium, such as bananas, and by avoiding caffeine.
Helpful advice:
1. Raise your feet.
2. Take breaks as needed.
3. Avoid standing for a long time.
4. Avoid the heat outside.
5. Wear comfortable shoes.
6. Avoid wearing high heels if possible.
7. Wear supportive socks.
8. Avoid clothes that are tight around your wrists or ankles.
9. Use a cold compress on the sore areas.
10. Drink a lot water