
10 Questions for Parents To Ask a Surrogacy Agency

If you are exploring surrogacy for the first time, you probably have many questions about what the surrogacy process is, how much surrogacy costs, and how to find surrogacy.

A great resource for getting answers to all your questions is to talk to a surrogacy agency. Not only can they provide answers to basic questions about surrogacy, but they can also share information related to your personal surrogacy journey and what it entails.

What is a Surrogacy Agency and Do I Need One?

A surrogacy agency will support intended parents, surrogates, and egg donors on their journeys while managing travel details. Surrogacy agencies can be large or small, provide some or all services, and costs can be variable or fixed.

If you work with a surrogacy agency you will likely pay them an “agency fee.” This surrogacy agency fee can range from $15K to $30K or more and covers the agency providing their professional services throughout your journey.

Some agencies have an entire staff of professionals in-house and will provide all services for you. Other agencies may provide one or two services, but you may need to seek support in some part of your journey (finding a lawyer, for example).

Watch our Instagram video below to learn some of the differences between using a full-service surrogacy agency and pursuing surrogacy on your own:

Whether or not you need an agency is up to you. If you are the type of person who wants to have professionals handle all aspects of your trip, then yes, an agency is the right choice. If you prefer to control all the details, you can choose not to use an agency.

Questions to Ask the Surrogacy Agency

While you may have many questions about surrogacy, we’ve outlined 10 questions parents should consider asking any surrogacy agency they speak with. These questions—although not agency specific—can help intended parents see the differences among agencies and decide which type of agency is the best fit.

1. What makes your agency different from other agencies?

This question will help you see the different program options offered by surrogate agencies and start the conversation about what is important to you in choosing an agency. Making a list of pros and cons for each agency from their answers to this question will help you narrow down your options.

Some differences may include:

  • Size of the agency and the number of agency team members who will support your trip.
  • Whether or not they have a full in-house staff of professionals (lawyers, accountants, program managers, social workers), or if the intended parent needs to get third-party support outside the agency.
  • Types of programs and costs. Some agencies will match you with a surrogate, while others allow you to bring a surrogate with them (this can reduce the cost of a surrogate); if you need an egg donor, some agencies have full egg donation programs as well. Also, some agencies have fixed-cost programs, while others have variable (a la carte) programs. You can also ask the agency to split their replacement costs for you.

2. How much communication is expected between the intended parents and their surrogate?

This question will help you see how the agency views a surrogacy arrangement and the importance they place on building a relationship with your surrogate. Some agencies—such as Circle Surrogacy—are relationship-based agencies, meaning they emphasize at least weekly contact between intended parents and their surrogates to help deepen their relationship. This helps the intended parents and their surrogate build trust as opposed to a more transactional relationship.

Open communication early—and throughout the journey—can help alleviate questions or concerns parents often ask about “How do I know if my child is eating healthy, or not doing X, Y or Z.” If your relationship is built on trust, you can have an open dialogue. A strong parent-surrogate relationship is the building block for a smoother journey overall.

3. What services are provided in-house? What do I need a 3rd party for?

As mentioned above, this may differ from one agency to another. Asking this question will outline what services are included in the agency fee, which of those services are within the agency, and which must be obtained (and possibly paid for outside of agency costs) by the intended beneficiaries. parents

4. How many matches does your agency handle monthly?

The number of matches an agency makes can also indicate the size of the agency and the amount of surrogacy journeys (and experience) they have in general. If an agency is doing 5 to 10 matches a month, and there are many IPs waiting to be matched, the wait time can be longer and less predictable, although that may not always be clearly communicated. More monthly matches mean more data behind future predictions.

5. What criteria will affect how long I have to wait to match a surrogate?

As an intended parent, you will be asked to share what you are looking for in a surrogate match. These criteria can vary from her location or her marital status to what level of communication she expects and so on. The agency will use this information to help you find the best match. If you have narrow criteria—perhaps looking for a surrogate from a certain state or a surrogate who works in a certain profession—this can affect how quickly you can be matched. The more open and flexible you are, the easier (and faster!) it will be for you to find a partner. Currently, intended parents requesting a surrogate who has received the COVID-19 vaccine have the greatest impact on match time.

6. How does your agency protect me financially and legally in ‘what if’ situations, such as complicated deliveries or losses?

Surrogacies, like traditional pregnancies, sometimes experience bumps in the road. No agency can guarantee that you won’t run into an obstacle, but some agencies offer programs with built-in safety nets, such as financial protections and in-house trained social workers for additional level of emotional support. Surrogacy journeys can be complicated, so it’s important to identify an agency that is clear to you about the possible scenarios they can help you address.

7. How do you find substitutes? What are the requirements?

Agencies find surrogates in a variety of ways—advertising and personal referrals are two ways an agency can find a woman interested in surrogacy. Women who wish to apply must meet a list of surrogate requirements to be considered. These qualifications—along with psychological and medical testing—are put in place to ensure that a woman is physically, mentally, and emotionally ready for a surrogacy journey. Surrogacy agencies generally follow the requirements set forth by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) and fertility clinics when screening surrogate applicants.

8. What should we look for in an alternate match?

Take it from someone who not only went through a surrogacy as an intended parent but also works in the surrogacy industry—the bond between intended parents and surrogates can be fascinating. You take two strangers who in ordinary life might never have met and bring them together on an epic journey.

So many of Circle’s surrogates and intended parents have created lifelong bonds that extend beyond the surrogacy journey, including Mandi and Nicola featured in the Instagram video below. So what should you look for in a surrogate match to have a good relationship? Think about what is important to you in a person, what kind of personality match is appropriate, and the kind of person you would be friends with. Someone who is responsible, caring, and has great support is a great place to start!

9. Do we start with the IVF clinic or the surrogacy agency?

That depends on your personal journey. Some intended parents turn to surrogacy having already had embryos created at a fertility clinic. Some intended parents work with a reproductive endocrinologist at a clinic while they try to conceive on their own, so they already have a doctor. While other intended parents go to a surrogacy agency as their first stop, looking for direction on where to go next.

Some agencies may ask you to produce your embryos before signing on. Other agencies—like Circle Surrogacy—don’t require intended parents to produce embryos before boarding. Many intended parents will create embryos while they wait for a surrogate match. The circle is flexible and will work with you on your timeline and the order in which you do things.

10. What are your success rates? Are they self-reported?

Success rates will vary by agency, but this is a GREAT question to ask! We can only speak for Circle Surrogacy: We have a success rate of 99.3% of intended parents bringing a baby home from their first two transfers or completing at least three transfers. Circle Surrogacy is confident in its success in helping parents achieve their parenthood dreams, and our success rates have been audited by a reputable tax and audit firm.

These questions are meant to help guide you—and inspire additional questions of your own—when it comes to surrogacy and finding a surrogate and surrogacy agency. Circle Surrogacy has been making parenthood possible since 1995; We are here to answer any questions you may have. You can call us at 617.439.9900 or email us at [email protected].

Or, if you’re ready to speak with our experienced team to learn more, you can fill out a short form and we’ll be in touch!

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