20 Thoughtful Ways to Announce your Baby’s Birthday on Social Media

A birth announcement is one of the most awaited moments of a pregnancy journey. Not only does it mark a new chapter in your life, but it recognizes all the many achievements that came before. Seeing positive on the test stick, telling your partner you’re pregnant, passing early health tests…
Traditionally, families share their news through a physical announcement in the form of a card. In today’s digital world, social media is becoming more commonly used to share life’s big milestones. Sharing your birth announcement on Instagram is a great way to announce your baby’s entry into the world (and pro tip: it also means less work and expense on your part).
Instagram Birth Announcements
If you’re wondering what to write for your birth announcement – or you’re looking for fun and creative birth announcement post ideas – we’re here to help! In this article, we share a curated list of baby announcement ideas for Instagram to let your imagination run wild.
Whether you’re announcing multiple babies, a preemie, a boy or a girl, or just need more time to choose your baby’s name, there are no rules about how to post. After all, this is your beautiful baby and you get to decide in time when (and what) to share. Whichever route you go, these ideas will make sure your loved ones go goo goo gaga to your new family member.
Major Birth Announcements
One way to announce the birth of your new baby is the good, old-fashioned, traditional way. You can share the most important details about your newborn, share how everyone is doing, and drop any personal details of your birth story.
Key Details to Include:
Basic details usually include the baby’s name, birthday, weight and length, location and time of birth, parents’ names, and sometimes their gender, along with a photo or two of the baby, baby with mom, or baby with both parents.
Personalized Message Ideas:
If you want to add a personalized message, here are some ideas that go along with the facts:
- “Welcome to the world, [baby name]!”
- “Meet the new love of our lives, [baby name].”
- Our baby has arrived! Welcome (baby’s name).
- Or from the perspective of a cute baby, “Hello, my name is [baby name]!”
- This couple shared some baby stats as well as got a little emotional when their baby arrives early.
Although adding more is always an option, the traditional approach provides enough information for your loved ones to join in the magical moment with you, while keeping it simple on your end.
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Sprinkle Some Humor in your Baby Announcements
Another strategy is humor.
Bringing new life into this world is exciting and undoubtedly life-changing. The first few days can also be very crazy for first-time and multiple parents. To lighten the mood (and buy some breathing room), a fun way to announce the birth of your new baby is by adding a little humor to your Instagram caption.
Unique Ad Ideas:
We found these examples of families sharing the personal details of their story to be both unique and tender:
- This couple’s announcement about their son included a funny statement about his need mute phone notifications. In this case, adding humor can help both respect the family’s needs and also acknowledge the love and support received.
- This mama shared her exhaustion and signed off to “sniff her baby girl’s beautiful head and that he will return with a name.
- This family shed light on a slow and difficult pregnancy through the lens of their baby.
Sharing this moment with a little laughter is a great way to bond with your loved ones and bring lightheartedness to a milestone that looks unique to every family. Here are some more quirky captions to get your ideas going:
- Go for a playful announcement like, “Our home has grown two feet!”
- Add an element of surprise such as, “Look who decided to show up!”
- Tap into the reality of parenthood, “It’s time for dirty diapers, sleepless nights, and unconditional love. welcome [baby name].”
Whichever approach you take to get some giggles, enjoy this calm and personal take on announcements.
Baby Announcements for the Masses
Announcing that two, three or four babies are on the way is a unique joy and challenge.
The prospect of surprised family members and friends is a joy when it comes to multiple baby announcements. On the other hand, this time can be vulnerable for some families because women carrying multiples have a higher chance of developing complications. Whether you decide to share a little or a lot about your babies and pregnancy details – your loved ones will be grateful to receive the news.
Advertisement Ideas for Mass:
Here are some great announcement ideas that range from funny, sweet, and quirky:
- Celebrate double the joy by getting onesies that say “Buy One” and “Get One Free,” a joke for thoughtful shoppers. Or create a sign that says, “Twice the love, twice the joy.”
- Emphasize the number in your caption with something like, “The best things come in threes” or “2 new teammates just added to my starting 5” for sports fans.
- Share egg donor birth miracles with a caption like, “Welcome to the world, little miracles.”
- Or so joke about the financial impact of twins as this father demonstrated.
Baby Announcements from an Older Sibling’s POV
Whether it’s baby number 2 or 3 (or more), a sweet way to share the exciting news is to announce the birth from the perspective of an older sibling (and yes, pet siblings count!) . Many younger children experience jealousy of their new siblings, and while this is completely natural, being with your child at the birth of your newest baby can be a great way to deal with big emotions.
Below we share some takeaways on how you can do this:
Sibling Vision Announcements:
- Go for a playful announcement, like “[Older sibling’s name] wanted to announce the end of their reign as an only child. Introduction [baby name].”
- Or share the news from a canine sibling’s perspective, cue: cutest pup reaction to a newborn ever.
- You can run with a superhero theme like, “Our superhero needs a sidekick!”
- Or welcome a new sibling like, “Welcome to a new [sibling] in our family!
By introducing your new little baby through the lens of an older sibling, you can make it a family affair.
Quotes for Birth Announcements
Using quotes can be a unique and thoughtful way to introduce your new baby to your loved ones. Quotes often have a way of explaining our feelings in ways that may be difficult to fully express during special moments in our lives.
Here are some quote ideas that will help share a deeper vision of the joy you have for your new loved one.
Quote Ideas:
- Appreciative quotes about the joy of a new baby: “Ten little fingers, ten perfect fingers, fill our hearts with love overflowing.”—Unknown)
- Philosophical thoughts such as, “Every child begins the world anew.”—Henry David Thoreau
- Quotes that express unconditional love, for example: “I’ll love you forever, I’ll like you for always, as long as I’m lives, baby you’ll be.”—Love You Forever, by Robert Munch
Sharing the news of your new baby is a sweet part of a pregnancy journey.
In this digital world, Instagram baby announcements are becoming the norm. Whether you prefer a simple, funny, or quote-based approach, the ideas we’ve curated above can work for announcements for multiples, premies, new siblings, and miracle babies.
Having your baby is a celebration in itself – you’ve made it this far! Now enjoy this truly special moment. When it comes to birth announcements, there is no right or wrong answer, go with whatever approach you want to share your joy with your community.