5 great things about being single

Being single can come with a lot of pressure (from friends, from family, from society in general) to get out there and meet someone. But it is your choice and only it’s your choice if you want someone in your life now or not. And there are some really fun things about being single. Here are just a few.
1. You can decorate your home exactly how you want it
Having everything set up exactly how you want it is nothing short of divine. You can have weird art, psychedelic wallpaper, 50 plants in your living room, or whatever suits you. Also, if things mess up, it’s your mess and not someone else’s, which is nice!
2. You don’t have to deal with other people’s hair
Perhaps one of the worst things about living with someone else is dealing with hair that isn’t your own. In the shower, in your clothes. Nothing.
3. You can save all your love and affection for your pet, as it should be
One thing about friends with feet is that they are cuter, happier to see you, and better snugglers than any human could ever be. And their only stray eye is the one that forces them to chase the squirrels. We don’t ask about it.
4. You can watch anything you want on TV
Full remote control should not be overlooked. You can go directly from Love is Blind to Too Hot to Handle to Perfect Match and then round things off with The Circle. Granted, it won’t be great for your brain, but that’s your choice!
5. You can make whatever you want for dinner
Want to place the exact same order from your favorite Thai restaurant every night for a week? Who will stop you? Do you want to eat a bowl of cereal standing up? That’s your right.