5 Reasons To Attend The Called and Missioned Pro-Life Men’s Summit

Care Net will host the second annual Called and Missioned Pro-Life Men’s Summit at Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas Texas on March 3-4, 2023. The conference features keynote speakers Drs. Tony Evans, Care Net CEO and President Roland Warren, and former NFL Quarterback Jeff Kemp.
Called and Missioned is ideal for men’s ministry leaders in pregnancy centers; believers interested in how they can serve women and men at risk for abortion in their communities; and pastors and church leaders (including lay leaders) with an interest in pro-life service.
Why Attend the Called and Missioned Men’s Summit?
#1 Turn Pro-life Passion into Action
Care Net calls men to serve in the organization’s Pro Abundant Life vision to provide compassion, hope, and help to anyone considering an abortion. At last year’s Summit, the men left inspired to become Pro Abundant Life advocates in their communities.
“The goal of the pro-life movement should be that children not only have life, but have an abundant life in accordance with God’s design (John 10:10),” said Roland Warren.
#2 The Great Commission
At the conference, Pro Abundant Life advocates will be challenged to disciple other men.
“Your pro-life perspective must be anchored in the great commission,” Warren said. “Every good work done by Christians should lead to discipleship. We do good works for the same reason Jesus did good works—to make disciples.”
#3 Get Inspired by Great Speakers
Dr. Tony Evans is the senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship. The host of The Urban Alternative radio program, Dr. Evans serves the body of Christ through his unique ability to communicate complex theological truths through simple, yet profound, illustrations.
Roland Warren, an alumnus of Princeton University and the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania, is an inspirational servant leader with a heart for Christ and a mind for business. After 20 years in the corporate world (including IBM, Pepsi, and Goldman Sachs), Roland spent 11 years as president of the National Fatherhood Initiative before joining Care Net in 2012 as president and CEO.
Jeff Kemp, who played 11 seasons in the NFL with the Rams, 49ers, Seahawks, and Eagles, is an ambassador for Fatherhood CoMission. An alumnus of Dartmouth, Kemp is the author of Coping with the Blitz: Three Strategies for Turning Trials into Successes.
#4 Worship a CCM legend
The conference’s worship leader was Mac Powell, former frontman for Third Day. Throughout the band’s nearly three-decade career, they sold over 10 million albums, earned four Grammy Awards, an American Music Award, 24 Dove Awards, and were inducted into the Georgia Music Hall of Fame.
#5 Be Part of History
Last year’s Called and Commissioned Conference was the first of its kind. Roland Warren reminded attendees of their important role in the Pro-Abundant Life Movement.
“This cannot happen without men stepping into the role to protect the vulnerable,” he said. “That’s what people do in the Kingdom.”
For information and to share and register, visit Called and Missioned Pro-Life Men’s Summit.