6 ways to treat yourself after an abortion

Right now in the US, abortion is very stressful for many people due to new restrictions put in place to limit access to abortion in some states. And on top of that being a medical procedure that often involves pain. So then, it’s a good idea to plan to decompress and do some self-care. Here are some of our favorite post-abortion self-care activities:
1. Eat your favorite food
Whether you order in or prepare your favorite foods ahead of time, make a plan for how you’ll get your comfort food of choice.
2. Have a friend come over or plan a Zoom date
If you are having a medical abortion, it can be really helpful to have a friend or other loved one with you during the abortion itself. No matter what type of abortion you have, having someone with you afterward can help make the whole experience better. It doesn’t have to be in person either, you can always plan to video call a friend to check in after your abortion.
3. Plan a date with yourself
Plan a day of fun for when you feel up to it! Watch a movie, get your nails done, spend some time in nature—whatever floats your boat.
4. Love to watch something fun
After an abortion, you may just want to chill at home, so picking up a new show you’re excited to watch or a favorite old show that brings you comfort can be a great way to pass the time.
5. Shop online
Has anyone actually clicked “check out”? Just shop and then leave everything in your cart! Queen of financial responsibility!
6. Wear your most comfortable clothes
This is the key to most, if not all, self-care in our experience. Find the comfiest, coziest items of clothing you own and wear them. Now is not the time for stiff pants! It doesn’t matter if you’re covered head to toe in sherpa in the middle of August–just crank up the A/C if necessary.