7 Things You Might Not Know About Egg Donation If You Become an Egg Donor

Using donor eggs to start a family is known as egg donation. Having a child with the help of an egg donor is a unique approach to realizing your ambition to become a parent.
You may be ignorant of some aspects of egg donation. Here are seven important things to know about egg donation:
1. You can decide how close you want to be to the intended parents.
The three forms of egg donation partnerships available through Patriot Conceptions are known egg donation, semi-known egg donation, and unknown egg donation. Surprisingly, more Patriot Conceptions parents prefer known donation than any other option.
2. The rights of the child do not belong to the egg donor.
Egg donation organizations use contracts to guarantee that everyone is on the same page and that no surprises arise. The egg donor agreement gives the intended parents custody of all donor eggs and any embryos. Intended parents can use them for any purpose they want, such as IVF having their children or donating to a third party.
3. Altruistic reasons are more common than financial reasons among egg donors.
A common misconception is that women donate their eggs for financial gain. On the other hand, those who donate eggs are primarily motivated by a desire to help others. Money is one of the many benefits of being an egg donor for many people, but it’s not the only one. Many egg donors, primarily in the Patriot Conceptions program, have had a personal struggle with infertility, whether it was through a parent, sibling, or acquaintance. This motivates them to help those who are struggling to build a family.
4. Egg donors go through extensive screening.
The egg donation process is long. An egg donor must also complete a psychosocial evaluation and medical screening. Once an egg donor and the intended parents are matched, the screening process begins. She moves on to the medical examination at the IVF clinic after passing the psychological test (usually a one to two day appointment). A blood test, a urine sample, and an ultrasound are usually included in the medical screening.

5. Not everyone is eligible to donate their eggs.
The egg donor must meet specified conditions to obtain the best quality eggs for the recipients. Although ideal for accepting all women who want to help build a family, egg donors must meet strict standards set by IVF agencies and clinics to safeguard the health of all parties involved . The following is a list of our egg donation details:
Between the ages of 20 and 29 (up to 31 for experienced donors)
Body Mass Index (BMI) of less than 29
Be a US or Canadian citizen.
There can only be one previous instance of the same cancer in the family.
Under age 55, no significant heart disease or heart attack.
No one stays in the mental inpatient
6. Surrogacy is often used if the intended mother cannot carry a child using a donor egg.
Egg donation is not always successful, unfortunately. A variety of circumstances can cause a failed pregnancy. Often, the mother-to-be discovers that she is unable to carry the baby to term. Fortunately, we live in a world with more possibilities. Gestational surrogacy is an option, where a surrogate mother carries a baby for the intended parents. Because of the genetic relationship with the child, this parenting approach is preferred over adoption. Both alternatives, however, are fantastic for starting a family.