7 Ways to Be a Good Gestational Carrier for a Surrogacy Journey — Colorado Surrogacy

The experience of being a gestational carrier can vary based on the individual and the intended parents the gestational carrier is carrying. There are ways to help guide this journey to be a successful and enjoyable one.
Here are seven ways to be a good pregnancy carrier for a surrogacy journey:
It can be difficult to feel led to share your personal information and medical history with intended parents and your surrogacy professionals along the way, but it is necessary to have a successful journey. During the surrogacy application process, being completely honest with your surrogacy professionals and intended parents will help prepare you to share more personal and medical information. The journey of surrogacy is an intimate and special journey you will take with the intended parents that requires trust that earns loyalty from all parties.
As a gestational carrier organization will be important. There are responsibilities involved in being a gestational carrier such as keeping track of your medical appointments, maintaining invoices from medical appointments when received, and managing calls to the various communications required as a surrogate. .
Your surrogacy professional at Bright Future Families will assist you in submitting medical bills to be paid and managing your pre-pregnancy medical but the organization is helpful in being a good pregnancy carrier.
Take care of yourself
Being a surrogate is very rewarding, but it can be difficult. Like everything, life is about balance. Balancing being a parent, employee, spouse, and gestational carrier can be difficult because there are responsibilities in each role. If you don’t take care of yourself first, you won’t be able to balance everything. You cannot pour from an empty cup. Putting yourself first and making sure you take care of your needs will help you have a healthy pregnancy. Taking care of yourself will help to ensure that as the baby grows inside you it is surrounded by love and happiness.
Remembering to Ask for Help
Asking for help can be difficult. Don’t forget that you have a support system you can reach out to that could include family, friends, your spouse, and even your trusted surrogacy professional. It can be helpful to discuss your surrogacy journey with people who support your decision to become a surrogate. If some of the responsibilities are becoming too much, reach out to your spouse, family, and close friends to help you. To acknowledge that you need help is a characteristic of a good surrogate because you remember to take care of yourself and as mentioned above, you cannot pour from any empty cup. An empty cup will not properly care for a growing pregnancy.
At all times in the surrogacy journey, patience is required. From the time you start the application until post-partum. To be a good surrogate, you need to have the patience to go through the medical clearance, background check, medical procedure process, and pregnancy. This can be a very long process that will require patience for all parties, especially the gestational carrier.
Communication is essential to being a good pregnancy carrier throughout the surrogacy journey. Good communication is needed between the gestational carrier and the surrogacy agency because the agency will facilitate the match between the gestational carrier and the intended parents. Communication and honesty are needed to ensure the right match.
After a match is made, although it is important that good communication continues between the gestational carrier and the agency, it is good for the gestational carrier and intended parents to also have good communication between them. An important part of being a good pregnancy carrier in the surrogacy process is trying to understand what the intended parents have gone through and continue to go through. It’s hard to trust someone with your child’s life and development and that’s what intended parents do in this process.
After pregnancy is achieved, it’s good to keep the intended parents informed about medical appointments, sending ultrasound pictures, and just staying in touch about the pregnancy. Good communication between intended parents and surrogates will ensure the best journey possible.
Enjoy the Process
The best way to be a good gestational carrier in the surrogacy journey is to just enjoy it! Enjoy the excitement that pregnancy brings for your intended parents. Keep your support system close to you to share the steps in this journey. Remember that it’s good to be excited for them and look forward to the day they receive the gift of parenthood.
Please feel free to contact our surrogacy professionals at Bright Future Families for more advice and guidance on your journey.