
A Mother’s Triumph | CAPPA

Trials some mothers experience while breastfeeding, there are many challenges they may face while breastfeeding. When moms experience these obstacles, they are more likely to continue their breastfeeding journey. One of the common challenges I get from moms is sore nipples, which leads to the question, “Is my baby getting enough milk?” Nipple challenge can lead to a trickle-down effect of other lactation problems, due to the mother’s reluctance to breastfeed. An ineffective latch is the number one cause of sore nipples; a weak latch can be fixed with the help of a breastfeeding expert, consistency, resources and most of all patience. Research has reported that mothers base their breastfeeding plans on past experiences, and solving their problems can affect their future decisions about breastfeeding. The research also showed that mothers reported receiving conflicting advice from clinicians on how to solve breastfeeding problems.

In the past 6 months, I’ve had moms come to me for help with nipple pain; in my classes with them, many expressed that they did not receive the best help or care when it came to breastfeeding support while in the hospital. It was striking to me, it actually pissed me off a bit; especially when my teen client shared her experience. Not only does he fit the above research, but to receive the same treatment twice! This can be very discouraging for a teenage mother. He came to me desperate for help; she was adamant about exclusively breastfeeding her second baby. Telling me about her experiences, she expressed how sad she was to give her firstborn formula, because her nipples hurt so much and none of the help she received helped. She also expressed the discrimination she felt, because she was a teenage mother and Hispanic.

My passion for breastfeeding support welled up within me, I was determined to see her succeed in exclusively breastfeeding her second baby. And, I assured him that he would be successful. I want to teach parents of youth, especially mothers how to not only breastfeed, but advocate for themselves by knowing their reproductive rights. I worked with mom for about two weeks, during the time we were together iskysoft imedia converter deluxe 10.2.3 crack teaching him signs of an effective latch, signs that the baby is getting enough milk, positions that are comfortable for him and the baby and proving to him that he can do it.
Two weeks after working with him, we saw each other at a Christmas zoom divx dolby audio serial number party. Excited to see him, I am also excited to see him. She revealed to me that she was exclusively breastfeeding her second baby; she is not experiencing any pain, she has discovered what is best for her and her baby and her baby is growing. He told me without my help, classes and patience; she doesn’t know where her breastfeeding journey will take her. It warmed my heart to see him happy that he reached the goal he set out to achieve. He overcame an obstacle that faced him, and he didn’t let it defeat him.

Moral of the story here, breastfeeding can be exhausting and scary; but it takes new dedication and consistency every day for mothers to overcome the obstacles they face and be successful in their journey.


  • Enjoy Health-
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About the Author

Shavon SW Johnson, MPH, CLE is the Owner and CEO of Mom’s Treasure Chest whose company provides breastfeeding support and education to families during their prenatal and postpartum periods that will equip them with skills and knowledge of successful breastfeeding. Mom’s Treasure Chest offers labor doula services to provide emotional, physical and informational support to support families in having the birth experience they want.

Shavon is a Social Worker working with transitional youth and the Maternal & Child Health program coordinator where she offers childbirth services, classes and resources to young adults expecting and parenting. Her goal is to educate her community through education and health promotion.

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