America’s Laws are So Ridiculous That Unborn Babies Have Less Protection Than Animals

An argument often made by abortion extremists is that human life becomes “life” only after an arbitrary period of time: after 15 weeks, after 24 weeks, after viability, after birth, and so on.
However, many American laws contradict this completely unrelated position.
Let’s start with the most obvious: under “Unborn Victims of Violence Law” signed in 2004, the federal government recognizes unborn children as victims when they are injured or killed during the commission of federal or military crimes of violence.
Some states even prosecute the accidental death of a preborn child as manslaughter – according to Michigan Auto Law: “It occurs when the trauma of a crash causes a pregnant woman to lose her pregnancy before the 20th week, resulting in the death of the embryo (before the end of the 10th week of pregnancy) or fetus (after starting at 11th week of pregnancy).
Similar sentiments were echoed by many other legal blogs and websites. As recently as October 11, 2023, an individual was charged with “murder of an unborn child” following a driving under the influence related crash that caused a victim to miscarry, according to WBRC News.
It is also against some states to harm a preborn child through things like drinking and smoking. According to an article from The Marshall Project, these types of charges have been pursued in states such as Alabama, Mississippi, Oklahoma, and South Carolina. The federal law also “requires each state to have a policy on how to report and evaluate cases of drug-exposed newborns,” according to the same source.
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But what if human life before birth also has less protection than say preborn Sea Turtles, Bald Eagles, and Giant Condors?
Believe it or not, such is the case.
Sea Turtles – According to the Sea Turtle Conservancy,”Sea turtles are afforded legal protection in the United States and its waters under the Endangered Species Act (ESA), which lists the hawksbill, leatherback, Kemp’s ridley and green turtle as endangered; the enemy is listed as threatened. This designation makes it illegal to harm, harass or kill any turtle, hatchling or their eggs.”
Bald Eagles – According to the US Fish and Wildlife Service,”The Act provides criminal penalties for persons who “take, possess, sell, buy, exchange, offer to sell, buy or exchange, deliver, export or import, at any time or by any means , any bald eagle … [or any golden eagle]live or dead, or any part (including feathers), its nest, or egg.”
There are similar laws for migratory birds in general. According to the US Fish and Wildlife Service: ““No person shall take (kill), possess, import, export, deliver, sell, buy, exchange, or offer for sale, any migratory bird, or its parts, nest, or egg of such a bird unless permitted under the terms of a valid permit… Under the MBTA it is unlawful to destroy a nest with eggs or chicks here.”
What all of this together proves is that any abortion laws in this country that do not reflect the humanity of life in the womb from about 10 weeks minimum are totally incompatible to the laws we have for turtles, birds, or violent acts against pregnant women.
If we are willing to move heaven and earth to protect animal eggs in their nests or use the legal system to achieve justice for a woman who lost her child in a miscarriage due to the negligence of others, why are we not willing to recognize the life in its earliest moments?
LifeNews Note: Mattison Brooks writes for Students for Life, where this column originally appeared.