Biden Spokesman: It’s Our “Sacred Obligation” to Promote Killing Babies in Abortions

Ancient cultures then practiced child sacrifice as an official religion to appease their false idols.
The Biden administration is not far behind, as Joe Biden’s spokesman said today that it is a “sacred obligation” to promote abortions and force Americans to fund abortion tourism with their tax dollars.
“Whether it’s about female service members, one in five, or female family members who can count on the kinds of health care and reproductive care they specifically need to be served,” the White House’s National Security Council spokesman said. that John Kirby on Monday during a White House briefing, “that is a fundamental sacred obligation of military leaders across the river.”
Paying for abortion travel was not an obligation for military history until the Biden administration. However, Kirby thinks that defunding abortions — a policy the Pentagon has had since its founding — will somehow lead to fewer people joining the military.
“So if you think there won’t be a retention and morale issue, think again because it’s already having an impact,” he claimed.
She thinks that if women were assigned to pro-life states they would not want to serve.
“And what happens if you’re assigned to a state like Alabama, which has pretty strict abortion laws, and you’re worried about your reproductive care?’ he asked. “What are you doing? Would you say no and walk out? Well, some people may decide to do that. And what does that mean? ‘It means we are losing talent, important talent. And we are an all-volunteer force. Recruiting is tough enough because it has such a strong economy there. We want to keep the people we get and we want to make sure they can continue to serve.”
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In the end, Kirby thinks killing babies in abortions is a good thing.
“It’s the only right thing to do for people who raise their hands and agree to serve in the military,” he said.
In a new interview over the weekend, Senator Tom Cotton said Americans should not be forced to fund abortions with their tax dollars. More specifically, he said the American military should not fund abortion tourism.
In “Fox News Sunday,” Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) to President Joe Biden and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin to reconsider the Pentagon’s abortion program, which uses tax dollars to pay members of the military to travel to other states to have their babies killed by abortion.
Cotton also defended pro-life Senator Tommy Tuberville, who stalled military nominations in the Senate in an attempt to get Biden and the Pentagon to back down. Democrats complained that it somehow hurt the military, but Cotton said they were to blame.
“[T]The Secretary of Defense and the President think this is a readiness issue, and they want to find the responsible party, they should look in the mirror,” Cotton said.
He continued: “They are the ones breaking the law and using taxpayer funds to pay for abortion tourism. Let me just give an example of how bad this policy is. A young airman can walk into Little Rock Air Force Base and request three weeks of unpaid leave and get paid travel and board and lodging to get an elective abortion. Another airman could come in and say that my mother and my father died unexpectedly. Can I leave to go to their funeral? They will be billed for vacation that comes out of their annual allotment, and they will not be reimbursed for expenses. I think most Americans would agree that is a crazy policy. Again, the arm – the military should not be paying for abortion tourism.”
Cotton also said Tuberville and pro-life lawmakers are not backing down.
“[I] Does that mean Senator Tuberville put enough pressure on him to reconsider where he is?” asked host Shannon Bream.
“Well, again, if Lloyd Austin and Joe Biden think this is a threat to our national security, the simplest thing to do is go back to the same practices we’ve had for decades,” Cotton replied. . “The same practice that we had last year after the Supreme Court reversed Roe v. Wade and re-send this illegal abortion tourism policy.”
Cotton’s comments came days after the House passed a defense funding bill ending Joe Biden’s potentially illegal policy forcing Americans to fund abortion travel for members of the military.
House Republicans successfully added an amendment to a defense spending bill to block the policy. Today the $886 billion National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2024 was passed by a bipartisan vote of 219-210, with four Republicans voting no and four Democrats voting yes. Three Republicans and two Democrats did not vote.
The national defense bill now goes to the Senate, where Democrats strongly oppose the pro-life provision. Whether the Senate passes the bill, tries to amend the pro-life provision or approves its own version remains to be seen.
Unpopular and likely illegal, the Biden policy requires taxpayers to fund travel expenses and paid time off for military service members and their families to abort their unborn babies. stillborn babies in elective abortions. As a result, Republican leaders estimate that 4,100 more unborn babies could be killed in abortions each year.
In response, House Republicans succeeded in passing the Jackson-Roy amendment to the NDAA.
The House voted 221-213 and 222-210 in favor of amendments to the NDAA to prohibit the Pentagon from paying for costs related to the killing of unborn babies and from funding transplant procedures. of gender
“My amendment to prevent Biden from using DOD to pay for abortion travel passed This policy is illegal, and soon, it will be gone. This is a good day for our country,” said the pro-life Republican Rep. Ronny Jackson after the polls.
Jackson said Thursday that the pro-life amendment would “stop the Biden administration’s illegal and immoral abortion policy” for members of the armed forces and their families.
“Taxpayer funding of travel for an abortion is in fact taxpayer-funded abortion, and this administration is implementing policies across government that clearly violate the law,” Jackson said. “The Biden administration has turned its back on existing law and given the [Defense] Department permission to take this illegal action. As such, House Republicans have no choice but to take corrective measures and pass additional legislation.”
Leading pro-life groups also celebrated the vote, which comes at a time when pro-life Senator Tommy Tuberville is blocking military nominees in an effort to cancel politics.
“We commend the House GOP leadership for their work in preventing taxpayer funds from being illegally used to pay or reimburse expenses related to abortion travel,” said Carol Tobias, president of the National Right to Life. “The Biden Administration has shown time and time again that it thinks taxpayers are an endless source of funds for its abortion agenda.”
Tobias continues, “The Jackson Amendment to the NDAA prevents the Biden Administration from circumventing established law.”
Federal law (10 USC § 1093) has long prevented the Department of Defense (DOD) from using funds to perform elective abortions and prevents DOD from using its facilities to provide abortions. On October 20, 2022, the Biden Administration’s DOD published a memorandum directs DOD to pay travel and transportation expenses for military members and dependents traveling to obtain elective abortions.
The federal prohibition against DOD funding of elective abortion clearly extends to funding for anything related to abortion, such as travel and transportation, which has been the case throughout the life of the funding ban.
The Jackson Amendment:
- Clarifies and explains federal law (10 USC § 1093) that prevents DOD funding from being used to perform elective abortions and prohibits DOD facilities from being used to provide abortions.
- The memorandum expires on October 20, 2022.
- Amends federal law to clarify that the DOD may not pay for the licensing of health care professionals in a state if the purpose is to provide abortions.
“Today the House took a powerful step toward stopping Biden’s illegal policy on taxpayer-funded abortion travel at the Department of Defense,” said SBA Pro-Life America President Marjorie Dannenfelser. “Representatives Jackson and Roy boldly led the charge to force the administration to follow a four-decade-old law against taxpayer funding of DOD abortion. Now the House must send the Jackson-Roy amendment to the NDAA to the Senate, and then to the president’s desk. We also applaud Speaker McCarthy, Leader Scalise, Chairman Rogers and Subcommittee Chairman Banks for their work to cut this administration’s funding for brutal, painful abortions.
Polls are always displayed strong public opposition to taxpayer-funded abortions. A new Marist poll found that 60 percent of Americans oppose using tax dollars to fund abortions in the US Additionally, 78 percent oppose using tax dollars to fund abortions in other countries.
Bans on taxpayer funding for elective abortions have historically had strong bipartisan support in Congress. Recently, Democrat leaders have abandoned the American people on the issue and started supporting taxpayer funding for elective abortions – a goal of the abortion industry, which spends a lot of money on elections.