5 ways to cast a spell in the bedroom

There’s something about long, cold nights that make us feel a little bit witchy. Maybe it’s the desire to calm down and get in touch with old habits and rituals, like quilting or using herbs as medicine, or maybe we’ve watched all the television and need something new to do. Either way, you don’t have to be a witch to try your hand at a little sex magic this winter. If you want to cast a spell in the bedroom, try one of these magical modalities on for size.
1. Light a candle
The simple act of lighting a candle can become a powerful ritual that focuses on your wishes and desires. First, give the candle a job in the form of an intention, such as attracting a partner, bringing some fire to your sex life, cultivating self-love, or healing your heart after a breakup. Be clear and describe exactly what you are asking the candle to do.
You should also choose a candle that matches your request. Use magic of color to help you decide which candle to use and choose large candles for big questions and small candles for smaller questions. Dress your candle with oil or herbs or carve a simple word or symbol on the candle that corresponds to the work you have given it.
Next, set the spacing. Dim the lights, put on music that matches your intention, and think about putting your intention out into this field. Feel that intention in your body and imagine it becoming as the candle burns.
2. Make things better
Every herb and spice has energy. With intention, you can use that energy to cultivate sex magic.
If you’re nervous about a big date, try adding a little lavender to your decaf latte. If you want to cultivate an abundance of loving energy, try rose tea. To show sexual warmth, use cayenne, paprika, ginger, or cinnamon.
Be sure to give the herb or spice some work and think about what you’re putting out while you’re both making the food or drink and while you’re eating it. Creating food and drink is a ritual, so be intentional about what energy you give to that ritual.
You can also make herbs and spices on their own, without including them in food. One way to make a very simple spell is to write the name of the person you want to have sex with on a piece of paper. Add a dash of cinnamon to their name. Trace a circle on the paper with your finger through the cinnamon three times and visualize the person you are calling erotically.
3. Use the elements
There are a few simple spells you can use to rid yourself of any spirited gun that blocks your access to fun. If the clingy energy of an ex-lover or an old belief about sexuality is holding you back, it’s time to throw that barrier away. Bringing in some of the forces of nature can be a powerful way to test this.
Water. Water is powerful—it flows; it moves; it didn’t stop. When you are in the shower, imagine the water flowing over your body washing the block or the pain from your last relationship down the drain. Add salt, especially over your heart and stomach, to enhance this ritual.
Fire. Fire is also a great tool for releasing blocks that prevent you from having your best sex life. The first step in this ritual is to write about the block for at least five minutes. What has this block denied you? What pain are you still holding on to? How does your body feel? Now take that paper and burn it (outside, safely). Make a fire with intention or just light the paper and throw it in a pit. Watch it burn and transform and release the words written on it.
4. Use your words
This simple sex magic ritual involves only pen and paper. When we speak our words out loud or write them down, we bring our inner desires and inner world to the outer world, which is the essence of magic. Have a sexual fantasy you want to fulfill? Write it, in detail, in the present tense.
Whatever you’re trying to get out, visualize it and feel it in your body as you write it. Place your written spell somewhere you will see it every day. Say it every night before you go to sleep, like a prayer for happiness.
5. Visualize what you want
Visualizing the sexual reality you want to manifest is very powerful, but did you know you can also use visualization techniques and magic during sex?
One technique you can use is the spiral of erotic energy. As you rock your hips during sex, imagine a spiral of erotic energy forming in your pelvis. The spiral begins as a small, spinning ball of energy and continues to grow, spreading through your body until it emerges from the crown of your head, connecting you to the universe.
Then let all the energy from your partner and the universe flow back to you, adding to the spiral of orgasmic energy. If you want to use this energy to manifest or create magic, you can give it an intention, and then when you release that energy at its peak, the spell is complete.
Whether you’re riding the waves of a spiral or just adding a little cinnamon to your latte as you dream of the hot sex you’ll have tonight, try embracing the magic within you and see where it takes you.