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Budget-friendly, last-minute holiday gift ideas

Whether you’re celebrating Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, the winter solstice, New Year’s, or any other holiday this holiday season, one of the best (and sometimes the most stressful) parts is gift giving. We all want to give special and thoughtful gifts that let our loved ones know how much we care, but we can’t all buy new phones and spa gift certificates, as much as we could . And then there are time constraints. But don’t let last-minute panic set in–we’ve got a bunch of ideas for gifts you still have time to put together that will be easy on your bank account.

1. Deceptive self-care

When some people hear “crafts,” they automatically think that they are not good at something like that. But you may not realize how easy it is to do some things. Grab yourself some old jelly jars or mason jars, and there’s no limit to what you can make. Like this sugar body scrubwhich takes about 5 minutes to put together, or these candles, which are easier than they look. Have some leftover orange peel and some cinnamon sticks? Combine one of them simmer pot kitsthat will perfume the space of your loved one.

2. Help around the house

An often overlooked giving option is the gift of practical help. What could be better than having a friend show up to do laundry, clean your bathroom, or watch your kids while you have fun?

3. Something sweet

In our experience, homemade sweets are a hit any time of the year. These candied pecans require 10 minutes of prep time and they absolutely sizzle. For something easier, try hot chocolate stirrers (which are literally just candy canes from a box dipped in chocolate). If you really want to impress, you can do it peppermint barkbut beware that people will expect it every year when they try it.

4. The gift of time

A very meaningful gift you can give is the gift of time together. Invite your loved one to spend a special day together and plan activities that you know they will enjoy. Think snowy walks in the woods followed by a trip to a holiday market and/or a drive around town to check out people’s decorations.

A cozy night more your speed? Grab yourself and your loved one some fuzzy socks and robes and curl up on the couch for a night of hot chocolate and holiday movies.

5. Freezer foods

If their love language is food–or if they’re really pressed for time, don’t like cooking, or have disabilities or chronic illnesses that make it difficult for them–cook a few meals that they can put in their freezer. We promise, they will love you forever. Who doesn’t want chicken soup, chili, or lasagna ready to heat up and eat any night of the week? There are seemingly endless ones options for freezer mealsso there is definitely something for everyone.

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