Pro-Life Senator Will Keep Blocking Biden’s DOD Nominees Until Military Stops Funding Abortion Travel

The pro-life US Sen. Tommy Tuberville continues his bold stand for life this week in the US Senate, fighting a radical new policy by the Biden administration that forces taxpayers to support the killing of unborn babies in electives abortion by the military.
A few months ago, when US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin introduced the policy, Tuberville warned that he would block Pentagon nominees if the administration tried to implement the “illegal” policy. The Biden administration did it anyway in February, and the Alabama Republican has been blocking nominees ever since.
On Sunday, in an opinion column in the Wall Street JournalTuberville defended his pro-life stance against continued criticism from Democrat leaders.
“Democrats not yet explained how abortion makes our military stronger or safer,” he wrote. “The only war they are committed to winning is the culture war.”
The department’s new policy requires taxpayers to cover travel expenses and paid time off for military service members and their families to abort their unborn babies. As a result, about 4,100 more unborn babies could be killed in abortions each year, Republican lawmakers said.
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Tuberville, US Congressman Mike Johnson, R-Louisiana, and others pointed out that the policy clearly violates Title 10 Section 1093 of the US Code, which states that “funds available to the Department of Defense may not be used to conduct abortion except where the life of the mother is endangered if the fetus is carried to term or in a case where the pregnancy is the result of an act of rape or incest.”
Polls are always displayed strong public opposition to taxpayer-funded abortions. A new Marist poll found that 60 percent of Americans oppose using tax dollars to fund abortions in the US Additionally, 78 percent oppose using tax dollars to fund abortions in other countries.
Bans on taxpayer funding for elective abortions have historically had strong bipartisan support in Congress. Recently, Democrat leaders have abandoned the American people on the issue and started supporting taxpayer funding for elective abortions – a goal of the abortion industry, which spends a lot of money on elections.
Despite continued criticism from Democrats and news outlets, Tuberville said he won’t stop until the policy goes away.
“I hate having to do this. It’s sad, but we make the laws here. The DoD is not. This is not about abortion. This is about taxpayer-funded abortions,” he said last week, according to Fox News.
His actions do not completely block the nominees. Tuberville’s objections simply prevented the US Senate from voting to confirm a long list of nominees at once, as it usually does; instead, lawmakers must vote on each nominee individually, which takes longer.
Tuberville said his actions were neither new nor unprecedented. According to 1819 Newsa group of Democrats and Republicans blocked 9,000 military nominees in 1992, and others blocked Pentagon nominees in 1997, 2003, 2010 and 2020.
Recently, US House Republicans introduced legislation to reverse the order and strengthen the law that prohibits taxpayer funding for military abortions.
In February, LifeNews published a list of 25 recent polls showing that Americans support legal protections for unborn babies.