Formerly Pro-Life DuPage County Politician Takes a Pro-Abortion Turn

The Pro-Life Action League is heartened to report the story of a former pro-life politician in DuPage County, Illinois who turned to the dark side.
Greg Harta young up-and-coming business consultant, was appointed to the DuPage County Board to represent District 3 in 2017. Hart won election to a full four-year term in 2018 running on a pro-life platformas enacted by the Illinois Right to Life (see full voter guide here [PDF].
Hart is now running for DuPage County Chairman. During the primary, he let the pro-life voters of DuPage County think he was pro-life. He has moved away from being the prominent character he used to be very pregnant wife Alexandra in campaign commercials and flyers.
But last week, Greg Hart suddenly declared that he was pro-choice!
The League was first alerted to this disturbing betrayal by a supporter who sent us a video featuring Alexandra Hart declaring that Greg supports “a woman’s right to choose,” and describing a pro-life position — his old position! – as “intense.”
Needless to say we were upset. Hearing a Republican candidate talk about protecting the “right to choose” and say abortion is not one of his “important things” was a chance for a bright young man who once campaigned hard in pro- former State Rep. Peter Breen is alive. Adding insult to injury, Hart was proud of his membership in the parish of St. Isaac Jogues in Hinsdale.
Her campaign also sent text messages in her husband’s voice to area residents, pictured below:
The texts were read:
I’m Alex Hart, wife of Greg Hart. I was shocked by the lies Greg’s opponent was spreading about him. Why do some politicians feel it’s ok to lie to get voters elected?
Greg’s opponent wants you to believe he is a political extremist. Not him.her.
Greg is a moderate who rejects political excesses. As Chairman of the County Board, he will not restrict a woman’s right to choose. He will focus on what matters: Better schools, lower taxes, cutting red tape, and keeping our families safe.
Do you want a political candidate who will protect women’s rights and focus on what is important to your families? Do you want a candidate you can trust and who won’t lie about their opponent’s record? I do and I know Greg is that candidate.
But more troubling than the video or those text messages was a flyer sent out by Hart — again, using his wife’s words — with the headline “PROTECT WOMEN’S RIGHTS.” Alexandra was quoted as saying that her husband would “always protect women’s rights and never restrict our right to choose.”
What is troubling about this mailing is that it is paid for by the Illinois Republican Party. According to our sources in Springfield, this means that the top brass of the Illinois Republican Party signed off on this pro-abortion strategy and funded it.
That means the Illinois Republican Party officially supports candidates in the very act of abandoning the pro-life position — even as our state becomes the Abortion Capital of the United States!
Greg Hart says he’s not an extremist — but what could be more extreme than Illinois’ current abortion policy, which includes:
- Taxpayer funding for abortion
- No Parental Notice of Abortion — a policy repealed by Democrats
- There is no state oversight of abortion facilities
- Abortion on demand in the third trimester of pregnancy
Hart said refusing all abortion restrictions. That means he is with the abortion extremism of JB Pritzker and the Illinois Democratic Party!
The pro-life voters of Illinois were thrown under the bus so Greg Hart wouldn’t smell the pro-life position on him. But we will not tolerate it! That’s why we’re calling you to action.
Let the Illinois Republican Party know what you think
We need to bombard the Illinois Republican Party with messages letting them know that this kind of behavior is completely unacceptable. Here’s what you can do now:
- Call the Illinois Republican Party at 312-201-9000 and tell them you’re angry that they funded Greg Hart’s campaign to ignore abortion and throw pro-lifers under the bus, and demand that they stop campaigning this way and apologize publicly.
- Send an email to Illinois Republican Party Chair Don Tracy. Click here to send an email to Don Tracy. You will find a prepared message that you can feel free to change with your own words or send as is after adding your name.