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December 2022 horoscopes: Topsy-turvy times ahead

We hate to break it to you, but if you’re looking for a calm, predictable month, you probably won’t get it. 2022 is going to come out strong, and frankly we shouldn’t expect it otherwise. Find out what this means for your sign:


November 22 – December 21
There is a thin line between love and hate. And even though the passion in your love life may be on fire right now, that heat can easily burn you out. While you should expect some romantic ups and downs throughout the month, communication will be the main deciding factor in what happens between you two. Focusing on understanding and understanding will help keep things in order.


December 22 – January 19
Expect to be highly reactive this month as some ongoing disagreements with important people take center stage in your life. You are usually more rational than emotional, but this month will hit you in your weak spots. And it will be hard not to be angry. Commit to talking things through slowly over time, and it will get better. In the meantime, find someone you can bounce off of to help you get through the rough spots.


January 20 – February 18
You may be the only cool-headed person in a particularly dramatic situation this month. Those around you may quickly lose perspective due to the stressful nature of the situation, and you may feel pressured to step forward as the voice of reason. Although the drama may take time, you will likely be recognized for the logical powerhouse that you are. Your contributions are important and are greatly needed by the people in your life.


February 19 – March 20
You will still get some extra luck from the universe this month, which will bless your endeavours. It’s a good thing too, because there will definitely still be challenges that will force you to rethink your strategy before moving forward with your plans. You’ll get a lot of extra help this month by seeking the wisdom of others—especially those who have expertise in areas of life you’re not as well versed in.


March 21 – April 19
This month will call for you to adjust some aspects of your life. And making those changes may reveal that some other area of ​​your life isn’t as solid as you thought. That’s okay, because your time to shine again is near, and you won’t regret building a solid foundation by making the changes you need to make now. This month will give you glimpses of big things to come and fuel your excitement for the future.


April 20 – May 20
The first half of this month will be completely confusing. Expect to be drawn into drama that makes no sense to you. The ups and downs happening around you can disrupt your need for peace, and it can make you want to quit and walk away from some of your relationships. While this is a perfect way to create the peace and quiet you so desperately need, don’t forget that underneath the drama may be real pain for some of your loved ones. Hang in there—things will get better at the end of the month.


May 21 – June 20
What is the truth anyway? That will be the main question on your mind this month as you try to resolve a kerfuffle in an important relationship. You and the person in question may have different views on what the truth of the situation is, what is important, and how to overcome the conflict you are facing. Although a smooth resolution may not be possible within the month as you would like, if you find a balance between flexibility and sticking to your values, you will slowly get there.


June 21 – July 22
Deep insecurities may surface in your relationships this month, and it may be difficult for you to talk about them. And while you may want to open your heart to your significant other and/or trusted person in your life right now, it may feel like others are so locked into their own lives that you don’t have room to share. Speaking up and asking for what you need can feel scary, but it can help you create the safe space and deep connection you so desire.


July 23 – August 22
Friends who became lovers, lovers who became friends, and both lovers and friends who never became two are likely themes this month, as you face major changes in your relationships. While some of these changes may be the result of dramatic disagreements or sudden changes of heart, they are likely to reveal to you where you really want your long-term commitments. Those who haven’t been here for a long time will probably come out this time, and it’s for the best.


August 23 – September 22
It’s likely that there’s no part of your life without drama this month, which can feel overwhelming. Everyone will have their own story about what’s going on, and because of your more fact-based, logical nature, you may be uncomfortable with the idea that there may be different subjective experiences of the same events. . Getting out of the drama as much as you can can really help you center yourself. The end of the month will bring easier energy.


September 23 – October 22
This could be an exciting month in your love life! Most of the love interests you pursue are interesting, intelligent, thought-provoking types. But going from a mental connection to a physical connection can be quite difficult, as you are likely to be less compatible physically than on other levels. You can find your way by being open to experimentation and changes of direction.


October 23 – November 21
This month may be a bit disappointing for you. As someone who always seeks the truth, it can be incredibly frustrating when you find that important people in your life are playing fast and loose with the facts. Knowing that someone close to you is not completely honest can frustrate you, but instead of attacking him about it, perhaps you can approach the situation with curiosity. That will help you better understand why they act the way they do.

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