Disciple the Family's Review of How Did We Get Here

I first saw an ad for the film:BIRTH CONTROL: How Did We Get Here?in a Christian woman’s magazine. This is a documentary that focuses on asking why we use birth control. What surprised me was how it explained how birth control, pornography, and abortion are really all tied into one huge issue. It records what led to our current beliefs about birth control.
I knew Satan had been targeting families for years, but I had never considered the idea that he might have been targeting their size all this time as well.
This does not mean that the single person or the one-child family is immature as a Christian.
What I am saying is that this movie gives you reason to believe that there is a well-crafted, targeted strategy in our land (for more than 100 years) to destroy the content, large Christian family. The enemy’s goals are to make people live selfish, godless, and empty lives so that they remain far from God – ending up in hell where their offspring are never born.
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