Do you have a sexual aftercare practice?

Sexual aftercare is a concept borrowed from the kink community, and it’s an essential part of sex, whether your sex is kinky or vanilla. At its most basic level, sexual aftercare is just you and your partner(s) taking care of each other after sex, both physically and emotionally.
What is the point of sexual aftercare?
There are several reasons to set up a sexual aftercare practice. This will help you bond with your partner as your body decompresses from the experience of intercourse emotionally and physically. It can also deepen the intimacy of the sexual experience. And if any part of your intercourse involves doing or saying something (consensual) different from what you might do or say outside of a sexual context—like, for example, if you want to call names while having sex doesn’t want to be called out of a sexual situation—sexual care can help you reset.
How do you do sexual aftercare?
Sexual aftercare can look many different ways depending on what you need and want after sex, but below are some ideas to get you started.
1. Kissing
You might think of a hot and heavy makeout session as foreplay, but kissing can also be part of the aftercare. Kissing can deepen the intimacy of a sexual relationship and help everyone involved feel safe and valued after sex.
2. Hugging
Like kissing, snuggling can be an on-ramp to sex but it can also be the last stop on a road trip. Hugging has a ton of benefits whether it occurs before sex, after sex, or in a completely non-sexual context. And having a good hug after sex can definitely bond you and your partner.
3. Bring your partner water and/or snacks
There is something very sexy about a partner who brings you food and water after sex. Not only does it recognize that you just gave each other an amazing workout, but it can also make you feel extra pampered and cared for.
4. Bathing or showering together
And having a partner wash your hair and/or body can be super romantic and sensual. After sex, this can be a great way to relax any sore muscles and get some sweet touches while you’re at it.
5. Walk together
Some people don’t get enough physical activity, and to those people we say: walk, literally! Walking after sex can be a great way to get back to a more physically and emotionally controlled place.
6. Gassing each other up
One of the best ways of aftercare is to give each other compliments after sex. Try telling your partner how hot they are, how much you loved him when he did that thing, how much you love to look at and touch his body and see if it doesn’t make the knees weak. Be careful with this one if you’re not looking for round two, because you can get there in no time!