Do You Remember Skylar?

God is still writing the incredible story of grace that you helped make possible!
Reconciliation. What exactly is this? Let’s look through the lens of our Heavenly Father. God reconciled the world to Himself, canceled our debt by sending His Son Jesus to the cross to die and take the payment of sin in our place. All who call on the name of Jesus are forgiven and restored to a loving personal relationship with God. This is reconciliation, and Skylar and her husband are now experiencing a similar restoration in their marriage.
Do you remember Skylar*? We shared his story last year. She discovers she is pregnant… and her husband has cheated.
In addition to that, her husband also made some bad decisions at work that put his job in jeopardy. Anger and betrayal led her to have an abortion. Desperately needing someone to talk to, Skylar searched online and found Care Net’s national hotline—Pregnancy Decision Line. The coach listened, talked to Skylar about the situation, prayed with her, and trusted God.
You Helped Save a Life That Day
When the PDL coach spoke to Skylar a few days later, God was at work and things began to take off. At that time, Skylar had a change of heart… And she chose life for her baby! His wife also found out that he would keep his job. In the midst of it all, Skylar and her husband begin to heal and rebuild trust within their marriage.
You see, Pregnancy Decision Line coaches and Care Net as an organization, care deeply – as you do – about building strong families, offering the Good News of Jesus Christ as much as possible, helping to guide them to an abundant life relationship to the Lord, and ultimately lead women and men to choose life for their unborn babies.
Their Story Is Still Being Written
Fast forward to now. Skylar recently reached out to the PDL coach she had talked to before. He told him; “It’s crazy how much you’ve helped me, and every day I’m grateful for his little face”. She also shared some pictures of her baby and the whole family. This is what reconciliation means. God’s reconciliation for the world through His Son Jesus Christ results in family reconciliation, as we saw here with Skylar. PRAISE THE LORD!
God brings reconciliation through people like you. Your sacrificial generosity is part of God’s plan to restore families. Your partnership ensures that resources are wanted Pregnancy Decision Line can be used by moms and dads like Skylar and her husband to help them choose not only life for their unborn child but abundant life in Christ. THANK YOU for being the hands and feet of Jesus!