
Doctors Told Pregnant Mom to Have Abortion. “Your Baby Won’t Survive Birth.” She’s Still Here 18 Months Later

A Welsh mother was told her daughter would not survive birth and was offered an abortion at 22 weeks, but she refused and her daughter is now 18 months old.

Kim and her husband Richard were expecting their fourth child when, at a 12-week scan, they discovered their son had a heart problem. They were referred to Liverpool Women’s Hospital for further tests and found their daughter, Esmay, had an irregular heartbeat.

By 20 weeks, her heart stopped growing and Kim was offered an abortion at 22 weeks.

Kim, 38, said “At 22 weeks I was offered an abortion because a part of his heart stopped growing but I refused because I believe every child deserves a chance”.

“When Esmay was born, she had a blood test where it was discovered that she had a rare chromosome disorder where the top end of chromosome six was removed. As a result of the deletion of the chromosome came another condition called Axenfeld -Rieger syndrome which causes the back of his eyes to stop developing and he will eventually go blind”.

“If we had waited another day he would have died”

Kim ended up having a Caesarean section even though she would have preferred not to.

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“When [Esmay] was born they whipped her straight off. He is quite weak. He was taken straight to Alder Hey Children’s Hospital because of the intensity of his heart. He was 11 days old when he had open heart surgery. It was absolutely horrible – he was only supposed to be in for seven hours but it was 10 and a half hours. When we saw the surgeon, he said she was a lucky girl. If we had waited another day he would have died, he said”.

Esmay’s problems are not over yet as she has many additional medical problems. In addition to being diagnosed with a congenital heart defect, she “also has a diagnosis of focal epilepsy, global developmental delay, scoliosis of the spine, and we just found out that Esmay has an issue with her blood where her body is getting sick. not making enough insulin”, his mother said.

“When he is weak, even with a common cold, he is put in the hospital because his blood sugar levels drop to a really low level so he needs insulin shots”.

“He lights up the room and makes everyone laugh”

Esmay requires round-the-clock care and the family is unsure how long they will be together.

“We no longer take it for granted since having Esmay. She is beautiful – she has a great personality and a huge smile. He lights up the room and makes everyone laugh”, Kim said.

Kim and Richard don’t regret their decision for a second and are especially grateful for the help from the Family Fund.

“[Family Fund have] has been a perfect gift from God for us. The grants have been brilliant for our family and we don’t know how long we have with Esmay so we appreciate that we’ve been able to make some memories with her”.

Right To Life UK spokeswoman Catherine Robinson said “Esmay’s life is precious, whether it lasts another 2 months or 10 years or more. Her parents recognize this despite her disability and persuading the doctor to end their child’s life through abortion”.

LifeNews Note: Republished with permission from Right to Life UK.

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