
Easter Eggs – Same Love Surrogacy

Easter Eggs

Spring is just around the corner and everywhere you look, you see signs of new life. The flowers are beginning to bloom. Nests are made. Since ancient times, spring and fertility have gone hand in hand. Celtic festivals, such as Beltane, and the Pagan goddess of spring, Ostara, center around this time of year when life begins anew. Even in modern times, as we celebrate Easter, we see symbols of fertility like bunnies and eggs everywhere! Rabbits and their propensity to reproduce in abundance, especially in the spring, and being biologically able to conceive while already pregnant, are seen as a prime example of fertility nature at its best. Also, the egg is seen as a rebirth of life and symbolizes the physical embodiment of fertility. We decorate them and give them as gifts to loved ones to show how important the fertility they symbolize is to the continuation of life on earth.

So, what better time to talk about creating new lives through egg donation? One of the many services Same Love Surrogacy provides is to assist intended parents in finding egg donors. Although it is easy to guess the role of an egg donor in a surrogacy, many people do not know what is involved in choosing to be one. We already have a wide selection of donors for our intended parents to find their perfect match and are always looking to add to that selection. Our agency carefully screens each donor to ensure they will be a good fit for our intended parents. They also undergo psychological and medical testing to ensure a smooth process for all involved.

Once all of this is done and a donor is accepted, they begin the process of legal documents to ensure that everyone is protected during the journey. The donor then begins medications to aid in the egg retrieval process and the procedure is performed by an IVF clinic. Once the procurement process is complete, the journey can end there for the donor, if they choose to be an anonymous donor, or they can choose an open donation that allows the donor and intended parents to have a relationship. In addition, donors can choose to donate for other intended parents if they wish.

Egg donors are a very important part for many surrogacy journeys. They allow those experiencing infertility or who have the biological inability to produce eggs to still have the opportunity to bring new life into the world. By donating eggs, they are literally giving fertility to people who don’t have it.

If you are interested in becoming an egg donor, or you are an Intended Parent looking for eggs this Easter through Same Love Surrogacy, please check out our information pages and feel free to email or call us to get started the process. What a wonderful way to celebrate spring and its festivals of fertility!

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