Independent NY abortion business sues Planned Parenthood

An independent abortion business sued Planned Parenthood as the struggle to find doctors willing to perform abortions continues since the reinstatement of Roe v. Wade.
According to The watchman, ParkMed NYC is an independently owned abortion business on the east side of Manhattan, located in the same building as the Ecuadorian consulate. ParkMed has been in operation since 1971, two years before the Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade, because New York legalized abortion. Two miles away is Planned Parenthood of Greater New York — and the two abortion businesses are now embroiled in a civil lawsuit.
The lawsuit, filed by ParkMed in New York Supreme Court in October, alleges that PPGNY violated a non-compete clause that says its workers cannot accept jobs with the clinic’s competition. ParkMed staff members cannot take employment at PPGNY until a certain period of time has passed. However, an abortionist working at ParkMed accepted a job at PPGNY, leaving ParkMed without a second-trimester abortionist. As a result, ParkMed says it may have to close.
According to Planned Parenthood’s most recent annual report, it had an excess of revenue over expenses of a staggering $204.7 million. America’s mega-abortion business now takes in over $1.8 million in taxpayer dollars every day. It also performs more than 40% of all abortions in the United States. According to The Guardian, this has caused some friction between the abortion giant and smaller, independent abortion businesses.
“They really trampled on us,” an office administrator from Parkmed told The Guardian. “We are in a very precarious situation.”
ParkMed hired the abortionist in 2021 and said it “spent significant time, effort and resources … training her in the subspecialty of pregnancy termination services” — including second-trimester abortions. The most commonly used abortion procedure in the second trimester is the D&E abortion procedure, where the abortionist uses a Sopher clamp to tear the arms and legs from the baby and then crush its skull. It was just as brutal and inhumane, and abortionists who took action reported nightmares. Some abortionists refuse to perform abortions beyond the first trimester because of this. At Parkmed, this abortionist is the only one who performs second-trimester abortions.
The abortionist had a one-year contract with ParkMed that included a non-compete clause that specifically prohibited her from accepting employment at any nearby abortion business for a full year after ceasing to work for ParkMed.
According to the lawsuit, the abortionist extended her contract with ParkMed for three years in March of 2022, but just two months into that contract, she resigned. By August he was working at PPGNY — less than two months after the Supreme Court was overturned Roe v. Wade in this Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision. ParkMed accuses PPGNY of “inducing him to violate his non-compete agreement despite knowing the terms of his contract and the detrimental effect of poaching him on in-demand, high-volume medical Plaintiffs’ practice, and Plaintiffs’ continued ability to provide women’s health care services to an exploding patient population in need.”
When the abortionist left, there was only one doctor left at ParkMed, an abortionist who had stopped performing abortions 15 years earlier. In the meantime, abortionist Katharine Morrison travels from Buffalo to Manhattan to perform abortions at ParkMed.
The ParkMed office administrator said, “[PPGNY] brought us to the point of explosion, with no regard for the possible consequences – to the public and to access to abortion.”
According to US Bureau of Labor Statistics, has more than 2,200 OB/Gyns in the greater metropolitan area including parts of New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. But PPGNY and ParkMed are in a legal battle a doctor decision to violate his non-compete agreement.
“… [T]most, most OB/GYNs do not participate [abortion],” explained Dr. Alicia Thompson in 2021. “A study came out and said 85% of OB/GYNs don’t perform abortions, and then one came out even later, recently… [that] said… that among private practice OB/GYNs… 93% of us do not offer abortions in our private practices. And of that 93%, most of them don’t even refer [for abortions].”
He said to Coming Home Network“I think one of the common misconceptions that people have about OB/GYNs in practice, or about OB/GYNs even in practice is that we spend a lot of time or money and resources to abortion when, in fact, we really don’t. .”
For those who do have abortions, many decide they don’t want to have the procedure done in the second trimester. Dr. Rebecca Holmes was taught how to perform D&E abortions but later refused to perform them, saying, “I just didn’t enjoy pulling the fetus out… I didn’t want to do it anymore.”
Dr. Julius Butler, an OB/GYN professor, expressed concern for abortionists who perform D&E abortions, saying in Philadelphia Inquirer (PI), “Remember that there is someone at the other end of the table who separated that child.”
Also, said Dr. William Behow Thompson in PI, “You are creating a destructive process. Arms, legs, chest come out of the forceps. Not everyone sees it.”
Planned Parenthood abortionist Lisa Harris said a study authored by Colorado late-term abortionists Warren Hern and Billie Corrigan, found that the D&E abortion procedure is a “’qualitatively a different procedure – both medically and emotionally— than early abortion.’” He added, “Many of his staff reported: ‘…severe emotional reactions that caused physiological symptoms, sleep disturbances (including disturbing dreams), effects on interpersonal relationships and moral distress.’”
Harris admitted that the “pro-choice movement does not own or own up to the reality of the fetus, or the reality of fetal parts.”
Abortionists reported “dreams of vomiting fetuses” and of “having to protect others from seeing fetal parts” along with feelings of “shock, dismay, amazement, disgust, fear and sadness .”
Hern and Corrigan concluded, “We have created an unusual dilemma… [The D&E] The procedure is quickly becoming recognized as the final abortion method of choice, but those who are able to perform or assist in the procedure develop strong personal misgivings about participating in an operation that they view as destructive and violent.