Baby Shower Games – 85+ Popular Games Your Guests Will Love

82. Birthday Baby Shower Game – by Candace (Texas) – Write a number for each guest at the shower, cut into separate pieces and put each number in a hat (eg: if there are 15 guests, number 1-15 on a piece of paper, cut each number and put in the hat.)
Give each guest a pen and paper and have them draw a number out of the hat.
Then have them write a note to the baby about the number they drew – if they draw a “5”, that means a 5th birthday – and have the guest write a short note of advice and encouragement for that child to open on his/her 5th birthday. 7 means 7th birthday and so on.
So the child will have a letter to open for each birthday while growing up! Have fun with this Birthday Baby Shower Game!
83. Penny Baby Shower Game – Have two pennies from the same year for each guest. (Have a different year for each guest.) When the guests arrive, give them a penny and put the other penny (with a matching year) in a jar.
When all the guests have arrived the Mother-to-be picks a penny and the person of the corresponding year tells a little about themselves, how they met the Mother, and maybe a little story about new mom.
After everyone has spoken, the Mom-to-be puts her pennies in the jar and picks one for a prize.
84. How Many Diapers Baby Shower Game – by Jodi (Warren, Ohio USA) – My family threw a baby shower for my sister over the weekend and I was in charge of the games.
We have a lot of people so I wanted to make something that would not last long but would also be useful for my sister. I went to K Mart and bought a large see through storage bin and 3 packs of different sized diapers (208 in total).
I put a sign in the bin that said “how many diapers are in the bin?”. I put sticky notes next to it and a bowl so people could write their guess and name at their own leisure and put it in the bowl. Whoever gets the toilet in no time gets a prize and my sister gets diapers (a win/win situation.)
85. My Water Broke Baby Shower Game – by Claire Ruby (UK) – Before the Shower, fill paper cups with about 2 inches of water each and put a safety pin in each of them. Place them in the freezer until the water is completely frozen. (Have enough cups…1 for each guest. Put guests’ names on the cups).
When all the guests have arrived, hand out the cups and tell them they are theirs to keep for the duration of the shower. The first person to melt/break the ice wins a prize! It’s up to them how they can melt the ice!
What is needed: My Water Broke Game
Ice Cube Tray , Mini plastic figures ie.bears etc, Water, Foam Cups
How: fill the tray with water as usual-add the mini figure, and freeze as usual.
Read all about this popular baby shower game
90. Celebrities Are A Bunch Of Big Babies Game –
For this baby shower game, go through current Hollywood magazines. Cut out as many pictures of famous people as you want and paste them on the poster board. (Be sure to try and use celebrities who are currently in the spotlight; they’ll make players think more easily.)
Then cut out baby faces from parenting magazines and cover each celebrity’s face with a baby face. (Try to use faces small enough that they don’t obscure the celebrity’s hair as well; seeing their hairstyles helps a lot.)
Number the celebrities on the poster board, and give each guest a piece of paper and a pen and have them guess each celebrity. This game is a lot of fun, but can be difficult.
To make the game simpler, I could see making a clue about each celebrity help, as well as possibly having a list of all the celebrity names so players could just match their picture to their name.
91. White Substance Baby Shower Game – by Alex (Los Angeles, CA) – Find as many “white substance things” around your house as you can (a list of ideas is below.) Or go to the dollar store to get them.
You will need about eight different white items. Buy small containers or use empty baby food jars with the labels removed. Number each jar 1-8. Fill each jar with a different ingredient.
On a piece of paper, write down each number and what you put inside the corresponding jar. So you won’t forget. This will be your answer sheet. Give each guest a blank piece of paper and put in the numbers 1-8 at the bottom of the page. Have them pass the jars around the room and guess what is in each jar by writing the answers next to each number.
Let them know they can’t open the jars, they just have to look at them. And make sure they don’t try to taste them.
Suggest that they think of all the things you could use in a house, car, boat…the guest who answers the most correctly, wins a prize! Below is a list of things you can use: AJAX POWDER • BORAX POWDER (CLEANING POWDER) • BAKING POWDER • BABY POWDER • PARMESAN CHEESE • BORAT POWDER (BUG KILLING POWDER) • FLOUR • SUGAR • SALT
92. DINNER FOR TWO Baby Shower Game – by Alexis H (Detroit, MI) – I’m announcing that I’m having a raffle. 1st prize a nice dinner for two. I explained that it didn’t matter, I promised a full meal, fully paid. Money will benefit the baby.
After announcing the winner, I gave out a gift bag containing two frozen dinners with two sodas. Everyone got kicked out of it!
93. Sock Folding Baby Shower Game – by Julia (Tacoma, WA) For this quick and unique baby shower game you will need: Report this ad A small plastic laundry basket or any basket 15 pairs of baby socks in different colors hand out the basket full of socks to the first player and tell them they have to throw the socks and match and fold as many socks as they can in 30 seconds. Continue around the room and the guest who folds the most socks, wins a prize!
94. Pin The Baby Pacifier – by Amy N. (Kentucky )Report this ad For this game you will need a large poster board, 1 pacifier with a loop, a blind fold and some tape. Report this ad Paint a large baby head on poster board and hang it on a door or wall. Place a piece of tape on the pacifier ring with the sticky side up. Blindfold the person and rotate it 3 times and then hand the pacifier and bring it as close to the baby’s mouth as possible, after they mark where the pacifier is with a pen or marker and do the same to each other. guest The guest closest to the mouth wins. This is really funny and neat game. Report this ad For this “Pin The Baby On The Mommy” baby shower game you will need: An expectant mom paper cut out of a baby and some double-sided tape
95. Winner Take All Baby Shower Game – by Jasmin (NJ) – This game is played by passing around a large clear glass vase to everyone present. They are then asked to put in as much money as they want.
After that, everyone is asked to guess the amount in the jar. The person closest to guessing the correct amount wins EVERYTHING detergent while the mother-to-be takes the money! It’s really funny.