Juggling Big Sibling(s) and Newborn Feedings — From The Start, Postpartum Doula

“How do I feed the newborn and entertain my older child(ren)?”
I get this question at almost every prenatal visit when I work with a family with at least one older child. This is especially common when the older child is a toddler.
As a postpartum doula, and as a parent of two children, I have some tips and suggestions for this situation. Sometimes tips work, and other times, well, we have to be more creative!
If it’s time I’m there, that’s a little easier. Although not all children are immediately comfortable with a stranger like me at home, I am able to distract the older child, provide a snack or drink, read a book, play outside, or do various things to keep the older. the child is happy while the parent can take care of the baby.
But inevitably, there will be many times when a parent has two children with them and no other adults in the home. And then the big question comes up…”how do I feed the newborn and entertain the toddler?”
As you can guess…I have some thoughts for that! In fact, many of these are directly from Dr. Laura Markham Peaceful Parents, Happy Siblings, specifically on pages 247-249. It was definitely a trying time, especially at first. You are learning how to feed your newborn and your older child(ren) want your attention. Even the smallest requests are somewhat unattainable at this time, as feeding your newborn will take up all your thoughts, efforts and attention. But, there are a few ways to keep siblings busy while feeding your newborn.
Tips for Juggling Older Siblings and Feeding a Newborn
1.Spend quality time with the sibling before feeding the baby. Find a way to connect with your older child in a meaningful way (think book The 5 Love Languages for Children and connect with your child’s love language), then prepare your child for the end of play and your need to transition to feeding the baby. Bonus points for belly laughs, as this will help release energy and fear for the sibling. Give a minute or two warning when playtime is over then explain what’s next for the sibling (you can get a snack, you can choose your activity, etc.)