Goals Goals Goals | Our Giggles and Grimaces

Starting our third year in a pandemic is getting old. I speak for everyone when I say how desperately we need something else to think about, talk about, and do.
Our family has been, and continues to be, quite limited in our activities. And I’m okay with that but like everyone I’m tired of living, thinking, and breathing about covid.
So I decided to tackle something that wasn’t easy but that I had more control over–my weight.
It’s been a long time since I lost the weight I needed to lose. My reason, one of many, was that I was afraid to make all the changes and teach my daughters about food culture or put them at risk of unhealthy eating.
And I’m still scared of that–I have a 15-year-old, a 14-year-old, and an 11-year-old. All women. How do I navigate this while getting myself healthy? So I took the first step last November. I started logging all my food. Then I gave up Diet Coke (for another reason but hopefully this helps), and had to switch. I learned a few things from others, gave up bread, and set some goals.
Sixty-three pounds is a lot for my tiny body. I followed some advice from a YouTuber who lost 183 pounds and set some goals. Two weeks ago I hit 10% of my goal lost and today I hit my first 10-pound goal.
Tonight I excitedly ordered myself some new hair bobbies to celebrate my first 10 pounds!
So here we are…
Live until you Grow!
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